Bonded pair help


May 27, 2023
Something really horrible has happened. Someone has taken one of our older geese and left the gander as they couldn’t grab him. Our 2 older geese kind of freely roamed around on the land and had a nice life, but this guy that parked his caravan ass on the land told someone they were his and that he’d sell them for a measly £40. That sick man has since left and now our gander is distraught, constantly calling out for his mate. it’s genuinely depressing and we are at a loss. We only found out that one had been taken when the guy that bought them tried to come back for the other and we stopped him.
He told us that he had purchased them from the guy in the caravan and we told him that they were NOT his and that he needs to bring the girl back and that we will not allow him to steal the boy too. He made out that he’s already lost the girl, apparently they trapped her in a box and when he let her out on his land she escaped. How awful. It’s genuinely heart breaking.
We don’t know how to console our gander, he’s been calling for her for days now and it’s so awful to see. That guy said if he finds the girl he’ll bring her back but we don’t trust him. What horrible people. What on earth can we do as we feel our gander is going to rapidly decline from this.
Something really horrible has happened. Someone has taken one of our older geese and left the gander as they couldn’t grab him. Our 2 older geese kind of freely roamed around on the land and had a nice life, but this guy that parked his caravan ass on the land told someone they were his and that he’d sell them for a measly £40. That sick man has since left and now our gander is distraught, constantly calling out for his mate. it’s genuinely depressing and we are at a loss. We only found out that one had been taken when the guy that bought them tried to come back for the other and we stopped him.
He told us that he had purchased them from the guy in the caravan and we told him that they were NOT his and that he needs to bring the girl back and that we will not allow him to steal the boy too. He made out that he’s already lost the girl, apparently they trapped her in a box and when he let her out on his land she escaped. How awful. It’s genuinely heart breaking.
We don’t know how to console our gander, he’s been calling for her for days now and it’s so awful to see. That guy said if he finds the girl he’ll bring her back but we don’t trust him. What horrible people. What on earth can we do as we feel our gander is going to rapidly decline from this.
Could you get him a friend? Like a chicken, duck or another goose. I'm sure he would be fine with a gosling. I saw a documentary about a pair of geese that lived at a park and the female died. Do the people who owned the PO d at the park got him a gosling and he literally never left it's side.

Also, I'm literally so confused as to why someone would do that. That happened at a hotel I stayed at, only it was a dog. So sorry she's gone. How far are they maybe you can take the boy there so he can call her back?
Aww maybe we’ll try.. we have 2 goslings already but he doesn’t like them too much which is why we didn’t house them together :( maybe because she’s gone we’ll see how he is around them again but we are looking at getting some more waterfowl anyway, thank you for the suggestion 🩷
Aww maybe we’ll try.. we have 2 goslings already but he doesn’t like them too much which is why we didn’t house them together :( maybe because she’s gone we’ll see how he is around them again but we are looking at getting some more waterfowl anyway, thank you for the suggestion 🩷
If you do go looking for her with the male I really do hope you find her :fl
Thank you 😢😢😢 I really don’t have high hopes though as the idiot that caught and lost her has a house next to the woods, my mum told me she is most likely long gone and it’s just so upsetting, I’ll never forgive that man for the rest of my life!
I wouldn't either...I hope he fall and kicks himself into himself. I did that once it really hurts. Hopefully she found her way to a body of water and she is surviving with the other waterfowl somewhere.
Something really horrible has happened. Someone has taken one of our older geese and left the gander as they couldn’t grab him. Our 2 older geese kind of freely roamed around on the land and had a nice life, but this guy that parked his caravan ass on the land told someone they were his and that he’d sell them for a measly £40. That sick man has since left and now our gander is distraught, constantly calling out for his mate. it’s genuinely depressing and we are at a loss. We only found out that one had been taken when the guy that bought them tried to come back for the other and we stopped him.
He told us that he had purchased them from the guy in the caravan and we told him that they were NOT his and that he needs to bring the girl back and that we will not allow him to steal the boy too. He made out that he’s already lost the girl, apparently they trapped her in a box and when he let her out on his land she escaped. How awful. It’s genuinely heart breaking.
We don’t know how to console our gander, he’s been calling for her for days now and it’s so awful to see. That guy said if he finds the girl he’ll bring her back but we don’t trust him. What horrible people. What on earth can we do as we feel our gander is going to rapidly decline from this.
I’d notify the police, this is theft. there’s a chance she’s still roaming the general area of this guy’s property if she did actually escape.
I’d notify the police, this is theft. there’s a chance she’s still roaming the general area of this guy’s property if she did actually escape.
Honestly we would but the police here are a bit useless 😩 we had issues with that caravan guy before when he stole our gate and hammered it somewhere else, we showed the police the footage of him stealing it and they told us we had to leave him alone and that we can’t touch the gate!! We’ve been through so much because of that cruel man and the police never lifted a finger to do anything, always just acted like we were inconveniencing them. I’m sure if we called them and told them about a stolen goose they’d roll their eyes at us and tell us there’s nothing they can do 😭
Honestly we would but the police here are a bit useless 😩 we had issues with that caravan guy before when he stole our gate and hammered it somewhere else, we showed the police the footage of him stealing it and they told us we had to leave him alone and that we can’t touch the gate!! We’ve been through so much because of that cruel man and the police never lifted a finger to do anything, always just acted like we were inconveniencing them. I’m sure if we called them and told them about a stolen goose they’d roll their eyes at us and tell us there’s nothing they can do 😭
Can you ask to look around their property (with permission of course)? Maybe you can find out if they were not telling you the truth. That could be the case. Maybe try to buy it back and if they say ok you will know they lied. I'm so sorry you have to deal with the horrible man. Translate my Italian of you want, “Un uomo così crudele”

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