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You and me both! If they had them I would be getting them AND some runners. My first experience with ducks too.

Still haven't managed to get around to telling my SO about them yet.
We can learn together, lol!

I did tell my husband about them...actually brought a picture of them up on the computer, and said, "See those?" him: "Yeah, cool..." me: "We're getting some.." lol! He's not too excited..says just stick with the chickens, but he's used to me by now,
Yeah well, mine just tried to get out of bringing my goat home tomorrow. His daughter is giving it to us. He said he didn't want to bring it home in his truck...might scratch the bedliner
Then I reminded him that his DD already said we can borrow her dog kennel to bring it home in. He knows when he's been beat!

Only bad part is...I have to work tomorrow and won't get to see my goat until Monday!

Look forward to going ducking with you brahmaMama
Sounds like my H - he just rolls his eyes at me now - he doesn't even bother to open his mouth to protest!

I want whatever drug you girls are feeding to your men! Mine still puts up one heck of a fight. Repeat after me: the ducks are for the GS, the ducks are for the GS, the ducks are for....
The ducks are for the GS?

What does GS mean?

DW doesn't want a duck, but I'm looking for an excuse to add a couple of runners to my Feb 6th order for 16 chicks..
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My hubby always puts up a fight when ever he even thinks im looking at more animals. well I got my first eggs yesterday and all day he just kept asking if we could put them in the incubator yet..LOL. I think he likes them, asked if I was going to get ducks too, I said yep and geese, he kinda grumbled on the geese. I think he likes the chicken adventure at least they are much cheeper than the horses.

Now If i can only find a swan, Id even skip the geese for a swan.
Gritsar, lucky you! I just love goats
My sister in law used to raise sheep, and they would be just about lambing by now. I loved the lambs, but sheep not so much. When I told my husband about just adoring goats, he rolled his eyes and said, "What's the difference between sheep and goats?!"

I have been working on him...and I think he's A-okay for two "kids" this spring. I did find a local farm, when I was searching for goat milk, and she also has kids available, starting in April. They are saanens though...and the more I look, the more I want a Nubian.

Wildsky, yep my husband's getting there, lol!

Silverfilly, I think that's how my husband looks at alot of the birds I'm ending up with; cheaper then the horses. Granted we still have two horses, but I'm looking for a good home for them. I just don't have the time that they really need, considering one should be started this spring.

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