Book Your Spring Poultry Order now from Ideal Poultry

I have one D'uccle (mille) that I ordered from Ideal last August. She's a beauty, IMO, and one of my favorites. I also just recently ordered two blue Milles and unfortunately both of them died. Other than those two, I only lost one other: a self-blue / lav silkie. I'm sad about the milles, but not devastated because all of the other chicks are thriving & luckily I ordered 9 self-blue silkies, so losing one is not the worst thing. Next time around, I'll probably wait until it warms up a bit before placing an order and/or maybe order a larger number of milles. They are tiny next to the others, so it's easy to see why they don't fair as well.

I ordered 16 silkies from them last year and they are doing great. They have started laying eggs and we just had a bunch hatch in the incubator. Out of 24 silkie eggs 22 hatched. Now 2 of our hens have decided they wanted to sit.

Do you have any pictures of your silkies? I'd love to see how they turned out. I'm impressed with my lav chicks so far. Now that the "real" feathering is coming in, the coloring is just beautiful. I can't wait to see what they grow into. All of my other silkies are from breeder stock or eggs I hatched from good breeders, so these are very much an experiment.

They are such tiny little things, the D'uccles! I am amazed at how well they actually faired the road trip I'm just praying they make it
Poor things are already getting trampled in the brooder, even by the Polish chicks.

I've been giving some honey or sugar water by syringe to the little porcelains, and even made some mash to try and get them to eat. Right now I'm really doctoring them, just hoping they can pull through. I've learned my lesson in shipping when it's cooler out, I think my order faired well, but I will still wait until later this order I cancelled with the other hatchery will be going through just needs to warm up here in the frigid tundra!
Teri (Ideal), I have a question.
My order is scheduled to be shipped April 9th. In the raising baby chicks category of this forum I recently saw a thread where the poster said their order arrived a week early. I really don't want that to happen with my order, as we have plans for the days before the chicks are scheduled to arrive. What are the chances that my order will be bumped up sooner?
Prior to moving an order we would call you. All you would need to do is tell us no. If we were moving it because of a bad hatch or something we would be moving it to a later date and we would also call you. When we have to move an order because of a poor hatch, unfortunatly there is no option, but we will work with you to get a date that is convenient for you. Thank you for your business.


I have gotten 2 seperate orders of 100 chicks from Ideal this past month. Not only were they healthy but the people from Ideal were much more helpful than the "other guys" I really appreciate the fact that I can purchase directly from Ideal and not have to pay a middle man for my chicks. With the higher cost of everything else it helps to save when I can.

Thanks Ideal....
Thanks for the PM friday Teri, (Ideal) I was to late to order Friday due to our time differences but did leave a msg. I received your email today(Sunday eve.) and will plan on ordering first thing Monday morn when your office opens 8 a.m central / 9 a.m eastern.

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