Booker81's Meatie Thread - Four processed so far! (pics)

WOW! How time has flew by. Seems like yesterday you had just got them.
Did you use a Food Saver for them? Im looking into those shrink wrap bags. Or I wonder if I could just use regular gallon freezer bags, and just suck the air out of them with a straw. Mine will be 3 weeks next Wednesday. I think this weekend Im going to get some 4 foot wire and make a run for them to go outside and graze.

They are the funniest little things. Even at this young age, when you pick them up, its like picking up a block of ice. They are so solid. And they have no fly in them at all. If I pick one up and toss it back into the pen, it doesnt fly, it goes "thud". I guess I wont be doing that again.

I am going to try plucking a couple, so Ill probably pick a couple for the first "victims" early so they will fit into my bucket to dunk in.

Do you bake them whole, or do you cut them up when time to cook?
Yup, used my trusty foodsaver - I've had it a LONG time, and it love it. I know the rolls can be pricy, but I like how sturdy they are.

All of these ones are sold, but I usually bake whole. I like crispy chicken skin
Just want to thank you again for this thread. I decided this weekend to try 6 from TSC. From what I read, I pray they are what they sold them to me as. We shall see. I bought 4 mixed pullets so the kids could have something to name and not get attached to the meaties. They were delivered to TSC on Wednesday, so I am assuming they were born Tuesdayish, this pic was taken Saturday, so 4-5 days old.

Woo hooo!!!!

I'm glad you did it - you've read a lot and are as prepared as you can be :) You can do it!
This is my first time selling, so I'm making it easy on myself and probably running cheap - $8 a bird. Based on last batches results, that should get me about $1-2 profit - but more interesting for me is it's cutting the cost for the ones I'm keeping (which is the "real" reason I wanted to do this). There are a few more folks interested, so I'll "sell" up to 8 more, which will make the last 10 I want to keep free for me other than time and labor.

I'm getting a lot of interest, but I have no intention of becoming a chicken farmer. I just like to raise them, and if I can raise enough to sell so that I don't have to put money into the ones in my freezer, I'll be happy

I'm selling mine for 15.00 each, dressed. I have about 8.00 in cost. Then there's my time processing it. 3.00 a pound for free-range birds.. it's a better deal than Whole foods.

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