BO's picking on BR's suddenly


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 21, 2009
I have two BO females, two Barred females and just recently the BO's w/the occasional assist of the roo (but not too much) have started drawing blood and picking on the Barreds. These have all been raised together from the beginning.
Any reason this may be starting?

Sorry, i meant to ask about their coop set up. No matter. The only thing i can think of is that they might be crowded. But that seems unlikely with so few chickens.

Honestly, i was hoping you were going to say that they were much younger - then i would have had more answers.

Don't forget to put some blue kote or something on those wounds to cover up the blood and help keep them from continuing to get picked on.

Sorry i don't have more answers.
I think it's also sometimes called rooster booster?

It's a blue/purple inky type substance that comes in a spray or with a dobber. It works as an antiseptic to protect the wound, and it also camouflages the wound to discourage more pecking from the other chickens.

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