BOSS - Shelled or unshelled? Other ??s

I don't think that chickens are able to shell seeds. Their beaks aren't built right for that. At least that's what I've always thought....

One thing I wouldn't feel right about if I didn't mention it. I learned early on, I think it was silkiechicken that mentioned it, that it's best to keep your chickens as far away from your wild bird feeders as possible.
Just like our chicken friends wild birds poop where they eat. The wild birds can be carriers of diseases we wouldn't want our chooks to get.
Just a thought.
I agree. Chickens don't have the beak type nor the dexterity of their tongues required to shell the BOSS. Their gizzards just grind up the whole thing, shell & all, then their gut digests what it can. The rest, well, you know what happens to the rest!
I agree. Chickens don't have the beak type nor the dexterity of their tongues required to shell the BOSS. Their gizzards just grind up the whole thing, shell & all, then their gut digests what it can. The rest, well, you know what happens to the rest!

everybody poos....right?
Our girls dearly love BOSS with the shells.
But I found some raw shelled sunflower seeds when I needed a treat for an injured hen, and now she comes running any time she sees me, looking for those special seeds!

Do you think grinding the BOSS warms them up the way scratch feed does?

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