Bossy Australorp vs. Wyandotte?


Apr 25, 2015
Northern California
My Coop
My Coop
Hi, I have a flock of four girls and I'm expanding by two chicks this season. Right now, my bossy girl is my black australorp. Even when there's plenty of room around the feeders, she will peck at one or both of my two girls who are at the bottom of the pecking order.

I'm thinking about getting a Wyandotte (golden or silver laced), but read that Wyandottes can be bossy. Anyone have experience with a similar situation? Am I setting myself up for lots of fights and injuries?

I plan to introduce them slowly, like I did when I added my two EE's (who are both bottom of the pecking order) and for the most part have had no problems (no blood is ever drawn when these pecks from my australorp occur), so this question is more about temperament in general, especially since my australorp doesn't seem to be as sweet as people say the breed is.
I wouldn't say Wyandottes are "bossy", I've had a few & thought they were calm & quite easy going. I've heard Australorps are mellow but like people it's a "generalization"? I find Orpingtons are the most docile & sweet. Got 4 BOs & they all have their own personalities, they are my favorite with Wyandottes a close second and EEs also a favorite. I find them "entertaining".

I once had 3 Wyandottes & 1 EE that were raised together from day one. The EE was the bossy one but one day the "head" Wyandotte went & set the EE straight. No blood but a big ruckus. After that the EE kept her distance from the Wyandottes but they did eat & roost together. So think it could work, just a matter of proper introduction ... See but no touch.
I wouldn't say Wyandottes are "bossy", I've had a few & thought they were calm & quite easy going. I've heard Australorps are mellow but like people it's a "generalization"? I find Orpingtons are the most docile & sweet. Got 4 BOs & they all have their own personalities, they are my favorite with Wyandottes a close second and EEs also a favorite. I find them "entertaining".

I once had 3 Wyandottes & 1 EE that were raised together from day one. The EE was the bossy one but one day the "head" Wyandotte went & set the EE straight. No blood but a big ruckus. After that the EE kept her distance from the Wyandottes but they did eat & roost together. So think it could work, just a matter of proper introduction ... See but no touch.

Thanks for the awesome feedback! The Buff Orp is actually higher on my list to get than a Wyandotte, but we have extreme summer heat (weeks of 105-115+) and I'm worried it would be unkind to bring a BO into this heat. Wyandottes seem a little more tolerant of heat (I could be absolutely wrong though).

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