Bostonian moves to Holly Springs, Mississippi and buys some chickens


6 Years
Feb 5, 2013
Well, that just about sums it up. It was my partner's idea - the chickens. And in the same breath she shared an engineering problem I couldn't resist - the coop & run.

Aluminum roof was just attached last night - whoop. You'll be glad to note certain design considerations were made based off ones I saw on BYC. It's built from pallets, recycled wood, a few things from home depot.

We dont have much land. The only home in a trailer park that backs up to some 150 acres - 10 of which are hay. We may still be in city limits - at least that was what the police officer told us. He came by because we were planting potatoes randomly over our field via way of spud gun and aquanet hairspray - and who wouldn't want to clarify what that loud noise was.

We have 5 chickens. I think a few are molting. Buff orpingtans or yellow buffs. We dont know. 1-2 yrs old.

A friend told us to coop them up for 4 days before letting them go into the run - that way they know it's home. Is that accurate? Anyhow it's been two days. No eggs yet - which we hope is a function of being in a new home. I always thought molting would consume any extra resources they would have otherwise used for egg production - so I was shocked to hear the gent whom sold us these chickens say that they were still laying. Hope he didn't full a fast one on us.

There is a story involved with the coop build. Suffice is to say that my partner feel victim to a pallet attack and we had chickens in hand before a coop was build. After a 5 hour build sprint it was complete enough for an official move in.
from New Mexico!

Great to have you aboard the forums! Nice looking chickens you have there. Watch those open slats you have in the back there, as predators can stick paws in, snakes can slither in and rats and mice will have a field day in there as well. LOL

Enjoy BYC!
Just put in chicken wire all around those slits. Should I still be concerned about predators? Alternatively - what size mesh would be best?
Hi and :welcome from Ohio. So glad to have you aboard. Your friend is correct. It does take some time for chickens to get use to a new home, so egg laying will get put on hold. I would let them out now. It will help them get use to their home. Good luck. :thumbsup

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