Bottomless coop?


6 Years
Oct 9, 2013
Sterlington LA
I am planning to build an A-frame chicken ark, similar to the Catawba or the Boughton. In looking at different designs, I ran across an interesting one on Youtube. From the outside, it looks much like a traditional chicken ark, but it has no floor except for the nesting box. The chickens fly up to their roost and have open air beneath. If I were to build one like this, I would add 1x2 wire mesh fencing on the bottom (on the ground, attached to the sides) and make the outside a bit more aesthetically pleasing, but other than that, it might work well in my climate (north Louisiana). The video can be found at Does anyone else have experience with bottomless coops like this? Any advice would be appreciated.
Update: I found another similar design at The author lives in a similar climate to mine. He has not had problems with the cold or with predators. I like the design because it requires much less cleaning, it provides fresh air for the chickens, and the chickens have more room to move around than if there was a floor in the roosting area.

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