botulism ... is it contagious?


I Got The Naked Neck Blues
10 Years
Aug 2, 2009
Ocala Fl
i had two BO that had their necks hanging to the ground brought them in the house they got better put them out again with the others but it seems that it keeps hapening over and over,not to the same ones i know couse i spray blu cote just so i can tell who's been in the house couse i got 24 of them and none have died but this scares me here is a pic of the one in here is this contagious
Botulism is a toxin, not a disease. If your chickens keep getting the same symptoms, it's either not botulism, or they are still eating something that is contaminated. You might want to check around to see if they are getting into something that is moldy or spoiled. I suppose it's also possible that the ones that have the botulism in their system are pooping it and the others are eating it, but I don't think that's the case.

I'm no expert and can't really say exactly how your girls are getting botulism - but I do know it's not a disease.

I hope you can find the source soon. I would also be concerned about eating the eggs - be sure you cook them thoroughly if you do - and don't sell them until this is cleared up.
thank you for answering. they are still too young to lay. this one here she eats fine but won't drink her epsom salt water. any suggestions? thank you in advance.
Have you tried a molasses flush? I'm not sure on the ratio of how much molasses to how much water, but you might search around on this site for that info. Your girl might find it more palatable. You could also dribble a bit of the epsom salt water on her beak. She'll swallow it instinctively.
My Wyadotte got botulism. My vet told me to put antibiotic in all the water for everyone else. And I got a syringe and fed the sick girl babyfood that I had mixed with water so it was runny. She got better after two days. The vet said that she could have got it from pecking a dead something in the yard that had died of botulism. I never did find anything but they free range so it could have been something the cat brought home and left in the bushes. Good luck with your sick girls!
u see a got a young flock from Murray M and those era the BO they free range they got their own pen but free range all day,
but total i have 119birds all togheter they all free range but this only hapensto the BO,i cleanthepen 2 times a week their water isalways clean i can't find anything roten in there they arenow in pellets also some corn and pop corn some times i just don't know
If it is botulism- they are getting into something spoiled- it may be that only the affected bird(s) know where the tasty treat is, and the others don't. Or the affected birds like the item better- and they are getting enough of the toxin to have symptoms. Dead animal- maggots ect are usually the culprit in land birds. Any dead things around, compost with animal protein, maggots ect? Improperly canned food is usually the culprit in people. Walk the grounds, look under coops, ect. Question the family on what they are feeding the birds. I would NOT give any animal that is ill epsom salts- you will likely just dehydrate them, possibly hasten their death if they have a lethal dose of the toxin. Careful force feeding of food/water is fine, or even medical grade charcoal if you have access to this. For mild cases where the animal is still walking around with a droopy neck- you need to support them through it (food, water, warmth), and prevent it from happening again- by finding the source.
i was told epsom 1tsp. of epsom to 1 oz. of water. i haven't tried molasses yet but i will stop the epsom salt and give her vitamins. as of rite this moment.
could it be anything else besides botulism
is there something else with the same symptoms??

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