Bourbon Red gobbler likes the wild turkeys instead of his bourbon girlfriend


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 16, 2012
The three wild turkeys show up today in my small barn yard. Gobbles my male bourbon decide to take up courting with these three but skips the courting and gets right to business with the three. Last night they didn't leave and as you can see by my blurry pictures that my husband is right next to them. Wow very strange for around here. You normally can't get with in 50 yards of them before they take to the woods. The three didn't go into the coop or anything but they let my husband touch them as they roosted on the pin rail all night and was in the pin in the morning. I always give my chickens and the 2 turkeys a treat during the day it could be bread or veggies or anything i think they may like. Well wen i called chick, chick, chick to my chickens here the wild turkeys come. is this normal? I have never seen this before.

If those turkeys are wild, I'll eat my hat! Wild turkeys won't do that. They must have flown the coop at some other farm. Maybe someone found a nest, hatched the eggs and raised them up until they decided to take to the woods. Maybe you could put an ad in the paper or in Craigslist and find out where they came from.
I had the same thought but there is no one around here that have any turkeys at all. not even chickens within 5 or 6 miles so i don't know. What is also strange about these 3 that they look quite a bit darker then the turkeys around here. You know wild turkeys have a brownish stripy color these are jet black and on 2 of them they have a grayish tail. but differently not bourbon. So I am not sure at all. I have never saw our tom go after any wild turkey but these girls turned him on. We have a large wild turkey population here and after i got these two bourbons the wild turkeys never come in the yard anymore then all of sudden these three show up.
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Black Spanish Turkeys, and they fly very well! Feed them up and maybe they will stay. I would still make an attempt to find their owner. I would want them back if they were mine.
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Wow i bet you are so right. I wonder how far a turkey will travail like that. i thought it was a very small foot print how far a turkey would travel mine stay right here in the yard and the wild one stay right here on the property.
Like to incubate some eggs from them now that gobbles has welcomed them I put an add on the radio here its free but no response people dump animals here all the time i just have never seen turkeys dumped lol i suppose it possible. normally its dogs or cats :( . Far as feed we have an open feeder that thay can feed at you can see it in the pic with my husband and so they feed anytime they want to and they have helped themselves to it. My bourbon hen laid about 10 eggs in which only 5 hatched the rest died before hatching time. I think she is rather old i got her at an auction so you really never know what age they are. after the others died i took her eggs and put them in the incubator and they hatched except for one. My production red is raising them because the bourbon hen didn't want anything to do with them. She is the most protective mother hen i have ever seen she took all the baby's from the hens and is raising them herself 25 of them plus the turkeys she sqaukes and toughs chicks do what ever she says, it so funny to see them run. And when there in the coop you wouldn't believe it she gets in a nest and they all pile ontop of her and under her i am going to post pic it so funny, The turkey chicks also do this.

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