bourbon red turkeys

How old are your turkeys? If they aren't poults they wont need the 28% and you can feed them a lower protein which would be easier to find. What have you been feeding them so far?
Does anybody know where I can buy a couple of bourbon reds breeding hens close to me I live in southern Ohio
From what I have learned somewhere between 16-22% protein is fine for adult turkeys, Im sure it has a lot to do with personally preference and also whether or not certain people are using the same feed for multiple species. I just simply feed my adult turkeys the same as I do my chickens and ducks, they all get a 16% layer pellet feed. In my area they also sell an 18%protein feed for breeder turkeys but I have never used it. I have never heard of a 20% layer feed (I have only heard of a 20%chick starter) But if that is what your area sells Im sure that feed is just fine.
Does anybody know where I can buy a couple of bourbon reds breeding hens close to me I live in southern Ohio

Have you looked on craigslist yet? You could also try on one of the Ohio state threads and ask there, you might get lucky. Otherwise a lot of us here on BYC sell hatching eggs come Spring if you have an incubator and like to hatch.
I love to hatch I just hatch off 22 buffs on Jan.24 and there doing good

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