Boy did i ever screw up!!


7 Years
Dec 8, 2013
slidell, tx
As a happily retired 65 yea old guy who lives out of town on 10 acres with chickens, cows, and a pack of spoiled mutts(5) i found retirement income pays the bills but not much extra for projects. I have taken up woodworking and small engine repairs from where i left off in 1973. I had changed to a profession that spanned 45 years but wanted to get back to some roots.

Well i decided i needed to find part time work so i applied at a home improvement store i frequent. Thats where i screwed up! They hired me. Now i have to resist shopping after work for tools and materials and try not to spend the paycheck. Now i can possibly get into the cull lumber and get a discount on new stuff but this could be a problem. But it can certainly help with expanding y flock! At least they don't sell baby chicks.

I reckon most retirees face the same dilemma because several of my friends are going to parttime jobs for project funds. Funny, they all have started with chickens also.
You sound like my dad. He got a job at the dump though it had exactly the same outcome. He started making a little extra pocket money piecing bicycles together and selling them cheap then spent it on Japanese bantams . Whatever makes a person happy, at that point in life its well deserved. :)

Your dad had a good idea! What better place to salvage treasures for resell. I have to keep that in mind. That would make finding small engines to tinker with. Could even get extra to teach grandson other things besides video games.
He loved it! He'd bring in all sorts of treasure and he'd get to gossip with the other fellas talk about motors, chickens the old truck driving days. And it was within walking distance so he could go even when he wasn't working he was in absolute packrat heaven and his little jappies were spoiled rotten.
Your dad had a good idea! What better place to salvage treasures for resell. I have to keep that in mind. That would make finding small engines to tinker with. Could even get extra to teach grandson other things besides video games.
Many "dumps" have a section now where you can pick things up that is OK shape.
OR, like mine, there is a "stone" and a "metal" section.
I got some Flag stones (you can see them on My Coop setup towards the end), cinder blocks, bricks.. and a 50 foot long 2.5 foot wire fence with no rust plus some Rebar !

Way worth it to swing by and check them out.

I worked at Home Depot for a while eons ago as a 'winter' job selling carpet. Got some great deals but did spend more money then I would have liked.

GL ;)
Oh Boy this sounds like us!
My husband and I retired from great jobs early cause we were never home. Him an airline pilot captain and me a nurse. I have a hobby painting Native American art that turned in to a business now cause so many people were asking me to paint for them, Then I got chickens because I just love chickens and have had chickens my whole life except for when we lived in town. Now we are back on the farm and it all started with 12, then 16, then 30, then 64, then added 20 ducks and now another 90 chicks in my living room in brooders.
Neighbors coming by to buy eggs and then their friends then strangers driving by seen I have chickens them wanting eggs. Now I have a full blown egg farm and chicken breeding!
I worked less when I was working as a nurse, What happened? Those little chickens have a way of taking control over our minds with their cute little peeps and faces!
I am not retired but three months ago I took a night job at a grocery store to cover our finances while my spouse was out of work unexpectedly. I can relate to wanting to buy everything since you're there all the time looking at it! I think I spend more on groceries now, and not the cheap stuff I get a discount on! I don't have a lot of time outside of work to cook except on nights off, but I have many delicious meals awaiting preparation i the freezer!
Like 17 chickens, chickens have also taken off for me, too. I went from six to 30+ in a year with more chicks hatching all the time. I actually find buyers through work, which I find ironic, selling eggs to my grocery coworkers in the very place where they could be buying the store's eggs.
I have learned over the years that money doesn't buy happiness it just buys you things that you really don't need in life. We had 40 foot motor home, Boat, new cars and could fly commercial airlines for free anywhere we wanted to. We decided to sell everything and live a simple life and I have to say I wouldn't trade it for the world! I can proudly say that I have traded in my designer wear for rubber boots and jeans!
You're very smart.;)
I have learned over the years that money doesn't buy happiness it just buys you things that you really don't need in life. We had 40 foot motor home, Boat, new cars and could fly commercial airlines for free anywhere we wanted to. We decided to sell everything and live a simple life and I have to say I wouldn't trade it for the world! I can proudly say that I have traded in my designer wear for rubber boots and jeans!

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