Boys or Girls? If boys, reverse chicken math wil be needed!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 9, 2011
This will be my first time posting pics, so hopefully it works!

I got 6 day old chicks right after Easter (so, about 8 weeks old I think), they were all sexed and supposed to be hens. I have a couple of them that are starting to look and act Roo-ish to me... but I'm a complete newbie and have no idea how to tell. All 6 chicks are different breeds, so I don't have much to compare them too in terms of combs and such.

The first chicken in question: Speckled Sussex
*To me the tail is looking kinda pointy and big (really scientific description there!), what do you think?
Chicken 1


The second chicken: Easter Egger
*Tail looks kinda big and pointy, and is held pretty erect, and this little monster really likes to jump up and land on the other chickens. What do you think?
Chicken 2


Thank you for looking!!!
The EE is a pullet. I'm not positive on the speckled sussex (I don't have any, so not familiar with their markings by sex) but I think she's a pullet.
Thank you so much Happy Chooks!!! And here I've been thinking I got boys instead of girls.
What are the features that tipped you off? I'd really love to learn chicken gender identification better!
EE's can be tricky, but I look at the comb (boys tend to have wider combs, with 3 rows pronounced), the legs (boys have thicker legs) and the feather coloring. (boys tend to have bleed through coloring in the wing area and more flashy colors)

I may not be correct on the SS, I don't have any, but I'd think a boy would have a larger comb by 8 weeks.
I had light sussex which both turned out to be boys but by 8 weeks it was obvious they had enormous red combs. I'm sure the speckled sussex would be the same. looks like a pullet to me.

Having a pointy tail doesn't mean its a boy.

fingers crossed for you, but don't think you've got anything to worry about.

That would be awesome if they are really girls (and my faith in the field of chick sexing would be restored).
They might still need to find new homes because of space issues, but it is MUCH easier to find homes for pullets rather than cockerels! Thank you guys for helping me out, this is why I love BYC... I know that there are friendly and knowledgeable people just a click away. I try to return the favor with the things that I know a little about, hopefully some day I will have enough experience with chickens to help people the way you've helped me.

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