BQ Silkies


9 Years
Feb 27, 2010
Downingtown Pa
I Have A Black Non-Bearded Silkie Girl And I Dont Know What Quality She Is She Has Good Tight Wing Carriage But Her Crest Is Not Big Because She Is Not Valted In The Skull Which I Prefer Cause I Dont Like Having Little Brains Exposed Can You Post Picks Of Your Non-Bearded Or Even Bearded BQ or SQ Girls Head On Full Side And Feet And Hackles Please
best thing for you to do to get an evaluation on your bird is to post a picture so people can give you an opinion on her.

Vaulted or not doesn't matter about the large crest, I have seen plenty of non-vaulted silkies have crests just as large as a vaulted bird. Also a non-vaulted can still throw vaulted offspring.
Here is My non-bearded black pullet, but I would consider her show quality, sorry I don't have pics of the feet etc.

Is it the lighting in the pic, or does she have silver in her hackles and wing?
Is it the lighting in the pic, or does she have silver in her hackles and wing?

The off coloring is just from the lighting she has no leaking or anything.

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