Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Im shocked to hear that you had some "missing" nails or whats not on your Spitzhaubens from Ideal...certainly NOT in my case out of four orders I've had from them. The issues I had with them, are the Polish traits and improper crests and spanglings, nothing more.

No, I do not find them delicate. They are pretty hardy breed for me, raised one batch in Feb, one in April and two in summer months. The only time I've lost them due to shipping stress which it I expected them to be. And alot less losses than any other breeds, averaging from one or two chicks.

Fertility could be a problem...we breeders need to be aware of it and do the BEST job we can. And yes we have to work with what we got even from a hatchery.
Silver Spitzhaubens are not that rare anymore. They came into the US in the 1950s. However, because there have been no new bloodlines introduced into the silvers for over 60 years, the limited gene pool has weakened (I think) the vigor of the birds.

In my experience, the fertility has been OK, but the hatch rate is low.

Your hen with the mobility problem may have a vitamin deficiency causing neurological problems. I have seen it in a few of my birds, but it is easily fixed. Go to the drug store and buy Poly-vi-Sol baby vitamins (without iron). Feed three drops twice a day for three days, then two drops twice a day for three days, then one drop twice a day until she improves. It is a slow process, but usually works.
OK - here we go.

I have an ex brother in law twice removed (no kidding) that lives in Vienna. As that is (as far as I'm concerned) right next door to Appenzeller Switzerland, I've sent him a request to look into shipping some fertile App Spitz eggs.

Maybe get this breed revitalized!

Any one interested?
OK - here we go.

I have an ex brother in law twice removed (no kidding) that lives in Vienna. As that is (as far as I'm concerned) right next door to Appenzeller Switzerland, I've sent him a request to look into shipping some fertile App Spitz eggs.

Maybe get this breed revitalized!

Any one interested?

Of course, but I expect it will cost more than you expect.
OK - here we go.

I have an ex brother in law twice removed (no kidding) that lives in Vienna. As that is (as far as I'm concerned) right next door to Appenzeller Switzerland, I've sent him a request to look into shipping some fertile App Spitz eggs.

Maybe get this breed revitalized!

Any one interested?

I surely would be but I can not believe it would be that easy! But YES,
Just out of many Brabanters do you all think I'd have to order from Ideal to get a couple of solid starter trios? 50? 100? Any thoughts as to which variety might be the better bet?

Beyond that, is there ANYONE in the US actually exhibiting Gold Brabanters from their own bloodlines right now? (And by that, I mean only to exclude folks that show birds directly from the hatchery.)

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