Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

I agree, they are good layers, IMO, and they are laying every day for me in the past month. Don't expect HUGE white eggs, more like medium sized.
I have seen pics of Banters with out crests and wondered what the consensus is on why this happens and if it is 'a no no.' What about shaggy legs? (*I* do not mind feathered shanks)
I have seen pics of Banters with out crests and wondered what the consensus is on why this happens and if it is 'a no no.' What about shaggy legs? (*I* do not mind feathered shanks)
Both are no nos in Brabanters. The ones you've seen without crests or with feathered legs are most likely to be mixes.
This is what a Brabanter should look like (in a variety of colors). There are other spangled birds, like Hamburgs, without crests. You may have been seeing those.
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These look like Pavlovs without the properly shaggy legs.

No, I totally know what a Polish and Hamburg and Silkie and Sultan all are by sight. I have here a cross who is banter orloff and she does not have a crest (but one amazing beard) and so while researching more information about banters I found pics of them without crests on line. A gf of mine has them and all hers have at least sparse crests so I wanted to ask the group in the know :) Thanks. My gf's look more chamoise I think is the color. They remind me of little leopards.
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I have an opportunity to buy a couple Spitz hens. I'm told they don't lay in the winter, at least these don't. Why would that be? I have gotten the gest from recent past posts, they lay during the winter, and should considering where they originate.
These look like Pavlovs without the properly shaggy legs.

No, I totally know what a Polish and Hamburg and Silkie and Sultan all are by sight. I have here a cross who is banter orloff and she does not have a crest (but one amazing beard) and so while researching more information about banters I found pics of them without crests on line. A gf of mine has them and all hers have at least sparse crests so I wanted to ask the group in the know :) Thanks. My gf's look more chamoise I think is the color. They remind me of little leopards.
The Pavlov is one of the parents of the Brabanter. Cream Brabanters are beige with black spangles. Chamois are gold with white spangles.
Crests are part of the UK and Netherlands standards for Brabanters. The crest should be flat on the sides and taller in front than in back.

I have an opportunity to buy a couple Spitz hens. I'm told they don't lay in the winter, at least these don't. Why would that be? I have gotten the gest from recent past posts, they lay during the winter, and should considering where they originate.
My Spitz lay through their first winter, but not in later winters.
The Pavlov is one of the parents of the Brabanter. Cream Brabanters are beige with black spangles. Chamois are gold with white spangles.
Crests are part of the UK and Netherlands standards for Brabanters. The crest should be flat on the sides and taller in front than in back.
Thanks for this. I have been researching for the past year both Banters, Spitz and now the Pavlov. The ones my friend has (who are half the cross I have here) are Cream. I never see crests quite like that illustration.

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