Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

really now i dont know if my wee spitz is a girl or boy

i've had her since november

Lovely bird but can not help you with sex. I think this breed is SO DIFFICULT to sex!!!!
I've been doing a lot of pictures today and thought I'd add some here for fun!

Black and Blue Cockerels... 14 weeks

Black and Blue pullets and a cockerel... 12 weeks

Gold Spangled and chamois pullets... 10 weeks

Gold, Silver and White pullets... 6 weeks

Silver and Gold Spangled pullets...6 weeks

Gold and silver Spangled... 8 weeks
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My girls are growing fast! Not sure on their quality as far as the sop but I just wanted some cold hardy, smallish, adorable girls.

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