Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Sorry for your loss of money, time and effort. If you purchased the eggs from an Ebay ad and it went through PayPal, you can file a grievance/dispute with them and state your claim(s).

I also purchased an assortment of 'Rare Breeds' hatching eggs and 8 of the 12 were non fertile with no development even at day 10. The remaining eggs had blood rings by day 14. I contacted the seller and she said I must have done something wrong when incubating. Well, I was new at it so let it slide. A $65 slide out of my wallet. Then I found out from another associate, that she had also had the same issues with the same breeder. She filed a grievance and got her money refunded.

I recently purchased true Ameraucana eggs for hatching, and they all went into the garbage can on day 10. None were fertile. Seller stated that I was the only person who got 'infertile' eggs so it must have been something in the shipping (got scrambled?) and she was not responsible for shipping issues. Another $55 down the tubes.

In the recent past, I purchased 6 each of 2 breeds and seller sent 18. I hatched 15 and 7 of those were Cream Brabanters. Some sellers are just not honest with what they are selling, some will replace eggs for shipping costs only, and some send you what you paid for. It's a crap shoot at best.

This weekend I hatched 12 of 16 fertile, viable, developing eggs. Started with 32 on day 1. Shipping does have a lot to do with it. I get 100% hatches on my own barnyard mixes.

I have 26 eggs in another incubator now, Gold and Chamois Sptiz and pure Black Ameraucanas, that show development at day 7, all were shipped to me.

I won't be buying any more eggs via Ebay or online avenues unless it is through a reputable breeder via or someone who is highly recommended by others.
I think it's a "crap shoot" wherever you choose to buy because I bought Orps from someone on RareBreed that had a good reputation & the birds ended up having confirmed CRD..luckily I quarantined & culled them before my whole flock was contaminated...the person i bought them from gave ME a bad rep on RareBreed, saying I told them about their sick chickens a week after I got them which wasn't at all true..anyway...I guess you live & you learn...some ppl are just out to make money...BUT there are still honest ppl out there....
H and H is somewhere in Texas. She's been breeding brabanters over 10 years. She used to only ship eggs but it looks like she's doing chicks now too. I've gotten guineas from her before.

How do I reach her? And will she ship to Midwest?


Her website is out of date. Seems like half the world's websites are out of date. She shipped to CO so I'm betting she ships anywhere in the lower 48.
OK Thanks for the information. Not sure how to find her or if she's on this thread and I have no idea what to expect for cost of these chickens.

We aren't interested in showing them, just have them to enjoy.
From what i can tell, H&H have listed what's available right now and they have no Brabanters that I can see. I only saw a Pennsylvania location but You did say their site was not updated. They DO have some beautiful breeds.
Just call her. Her # is on there. The maran page is from 2013 and the rest are from last year so the only way to know what she has for sale is to call. I think Sandhill Preservation started with her birds. They don't have anything available until late summer.
My SFH broody's eggs are due to hatch the 27th and 28th. I just got a crazy chicken lady idea that maybe I could stick some chicks under her to raise.

I desire a Brabanter and a Spitzhauben (my Spitz passed when she was 3 months. Loved her!) Do y'all know of any breeders (clean, preferably NPIP) in Southern California who may have these breeds available? I'm near the LA county and Orange County borders. Thanks!!

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