Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

I now have 3 Golden Brabanters. I had ordered Creme from Sand Hill for early March. They didn't have them then because of problems with hens laying. So they sent me a replacement batch in early May. I have three that are a month old and I see no sign of any top dressing on any of them. I am hoping this is normal. They are cute. I do have at least one of each gender. I don't know if I like them or not yet, but time will tell. I thought they were neat birds and something a bit different. I don't know if SH has good quality or not, but I know if I continue with this breed I will get some birds that don't have the same bloodline just to avoid problems if possible with a restricted gene pool (the sad thing about rare breeds). I do know that SH is out of Brabanters for the year in both varieties. I really wanted the Cremes for the looks, I love the striking yellow and black, but I will enjoy the Brabanter experience in whatever color I have.
I am also very happy with the egg production and size of the Brabanter eggs. The hens seem small but lay a nice med to large size egg. With four hens I am getting usually 3 if not 4 eggs a day.

Nobody has been broody yet
hence hatching them in my incubator. Hatch just completed and there are 6 Brabanters but one I am not sure will make it. When my Cochin gets broody I give her brabanter eggs to set on too.
I got spitz eggs from two different sources. I hatched 3 from one and 2 from the other. One of the two from the second set died. The three in the first set have some nice color and crests, the one from the second set is much lighter and I believe the crest is going to go backwards instead of forwards. I will likely just keep two out of the bunch but we'll see when they grow more.
Crests should go forward, not backwards for Spitzhaubens. At least you are trying! That is all you can do at this point and improve it from there on!
I got 5 Brabanter chicks from Ideal yesterday. I noticed that some of them seem to have a more elongated head with a band around it- more similar to pics I've seen of Polish chicks. They all have cute little beards/muffs. I was wondering whether this indicates they will have more of a Polish crest when they get big? I will try to get some pics tomorrow. They are very cute!
I've been following this thread with interest. Are the Geelwitgetoept the same as the Brabanter only the color is diffeffernt? Or are they a different breed entirely? I like the buff laced color. Thanks.
Somewhat similar, like distant cousins!

Yes they keep the color different than their cousins so it does not "muddy" up the genes or get some throwbacks.

Jenn-E...I do not know what's the background breedings out of Ideal Hatchery. It could have some polish going on in there but there is no way of knowing unless you get a DNA running out of it LOL! I would not be surprised if they had used Polish back in those days or the breeders themselves had some.
I have to post a pic of my almost 2 wk old Brabanters. They are starting to get crests to go with their little puffy cheeks. So cute! They are also quite friendly & curious.


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