Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

These are some six week old Gold Brabanters that are straight run,no idea what sex.I am thinking two look like females and the rest males.
I have baby Spitz pipping !

Looking forward to seeing what comes out tomorrow. This is the first time I have let a Spitz hen sit on eggs. She is a good broody. Hope she sits long enough for all to hatch.
Fantastic!.....I didn't know that Spitz are good broodies.........................................................................chrisf
Chrisf said:
I didn't know that Spitz are good broodies

They are not known to be broody, and I have only had one or two go broody over the eight years I have been raising them. This girl has really been exceptional. I have to drag her off the eggs a couple of times a day to make her poop and eat.​
Anyone know anywhere to get gold brabanter chicks? I looked on Ideal's site, but they were sold out until next year.
Blue said:
Anyone know anywhere to get gold brabanter chicks? I looked on Ideal's site, but they were sold out until next year.

Wish you were closer. I have some gold Brabanter chicks and adults I need to sell. However, I will not ship.

The Spitz that pipped last night was dead this morning. The egg was completely broken all the way around and the baby was ready to pop out. However, there was a dry membrame over the face. Looks like the egg rolled away from the mom and there was not enough moisture for the chick to make that final push.
None of the others have pipped yet.

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