Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Oh, thank you for giving me hope. It's funny, as the feathering looks rooish but she really doesn't have much comb at all, and until last week there was no red in the face at all.
I see primaries, secondaries, and saddle feathers, which all say, latent cockerel........................................chrisf
All chickens have primaries and secondaries
I dont see any saddle feathers but he is growing in sickle feathers.
So, here I am again. I kept my pretty spitz and took two mystery chicks to the swap. A guy with a thick German (I think) accent insisted that one of them is a Cream Brabanter. I don't see a beard, but maybe that is normal at 9 weeks? Here she is - what do you guys think? I didn't think either of the people I got hatching eggs from raised Brabanters.....



No beard and no crest. At nine weeks, a Brabanter should have both. Maybe there's some hamburg in there.

A Hamburg would have a pretty visible comb at nine weeks- my pullets layed at 16-18 weeks, and the cockerel's comb was obvious at 4 weeks. So that would have to be a really undermature pullet, and the tail feathers aren't pullet-ish. Not a great representative of either breed, I fear.
Yeah, I meant to mention that!

NO NAKED NECK! Just kidding. Seriously, though, she does have more feathers around that area now than when I took that picutre last week. And here I had a buyer for her at the swap and decided to keep her on the word of that guy that swore up and down it is a Brabanter.
Oh well. I'll let her grow out a while and see. There's another swap coming up Labor day weekend.....

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