Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Well, I've got a light blue egg laying blue Brabanter
Cool !

What are you breeding with to get the blue ?

Well, that was purely accidental
The Ameracauna rooster "wandered". But, it gave me the idea. So I have on order for Spring (fingers crossed) blue polish, spitzhaubens, and (I'm not going to spell this right) crevecours (Black) It could be, since I used a Blue Ameraucana, that the males are actually "splash" and the gender relationship is purely coincidental. But since these guys are first generation, I will have to wait and see. The first blue female, that Don hatched (are you still out there Don?) lays a white egg with just the faintes hint of a blue hue, so getting my color from a breed other than blue egg layers is probably a good idea. And more new chicks in the den will give my hubby something to moan about

Your males could not be genetically splash in the first cross. Splash is the result of two blue alleles. Blue just has one. Black has none.
Well, that was purely accidental
The Ameracauna rooster "wandered". But, it gave me the idea. So I have on order for Spring (fingers crossed) blue polish, spitzhaubens, and (I'm not going to spell this right) crevecours (Black) It could be, since I used a Blue Ameraucana, that the males are actually "splash" and the gender relationship is purely coincidental. But since these guys are first generation, I will have to wait and see. The first blue female, that Don hatched (are you still out there Don?) lays a white egg with just the faintes hint of a blue hue, so getting my color from a breed other than blue egg layers is probably a good idea. And more new chicks in the den will give my hubby something to moan about

Your males could not be genetically splash in the first cross. Splash is the result of two blue alleles. Blue just has one. Black has none.

Well, then they're bleeding
Anyway, that cross was never my intention, but it has become my motivation.
(We also intend to import show quality silver appenzeller spitzhauben to help improve the American gene pool of this breed; it is currently almost impossible to find high quality examples in this country.)

From Greenfire farm site
Well, that was purely accidental
The Ameracauna rooster "wandered". But, it gave me the idea. So I have on order for Spring (fingers crossed) blue polish, spitzhaubens, and (I'm not going to spell this right) crevecours (Black) It could be, since I used a Blue Ameraucana, that the males are actually "splash" and the gender relationship is purely coincidental. But since these guys are first generation, I will have to wait and see. The first blue female, that Don hatched (are you still out there Don?) lays a white egg with just the faintes hint of a blue hue, so getting my color from a breed other than blue egg layers is probably a good idea. And more new chicks in the den will give my hubby something to moan about

Your males could not be genetically splash in the first cross. Splash is the result of two blue alleles. Blue just has one. Black has none.

BTW, if blue is dominant, why is the cream coming through? Wouldn't that require that the Blue Ameraucana had a cream gene?
I got the first egg from my Gold Brabanter flock yesterday!
I was very excited even though I don't plan on hatching any until next year.
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