Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Yep and we only want the strongest to survive past their first year. Any chicken that does not make it in their first year, Mother Nature has a way of eliminating the weaks for whatever reason she has to do away with him. It does not matter if it is heart failures (one less to pass down), tolerance of heat and cold weathers, egg production problems, etc.
I finally got the third shipment from ideal yesterday. Of course they forgot the packing peanuts but the shipment only took a day so they all arrived happy and healthy.

As an aside - only one of 6 spitz chicks survived the shipping last week. It was so developmentally challenged from the shipping that it is exactly the same size as the day olds I got yesterday.

My 2 week olds are starting to get their Mohawks! I'll post picts tonight.
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Yes Ryan, they are. I've been working on a website dedicated to the Appenzeller Spitzhauben in the US and I guess this is the time to reveal it....... . I don't have a forum yet but that is in the works as well as other pertinent information. It is just being launched...................please enjoy!........................................................................................................chrisf
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Nice start on the site. Cool that you already have a shoppe to help generate some money. Love the mixture of languages.

Sure wish I could get ahold of some AS eggs!

Yes Ryan, they are. I've been working on a website dedicated to the Appenzeller Spitzhauben in the US and I guess this is the time to reveal it....... I don't have a forum yet but that is in the works as well as other pertinent information. It is just being launched...................please enjoy!........................................................................................................chrisf

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