Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Six of seven eggs hatched. One quit shortly before hatch. Of the six that hatched, one seems to have issues. it's feet were curled. I've taped them straight, but I've yet to see it stand up all the way. Judging from the stripes on their backs, the five vigorous ones are Spitz/Brabanter crosses. It will be interesting to see how they develop.
Do you still have Dick? Do a pedigree, male line LOL! Or do you have several roos with the flock? Do they all trace to Dick?

Dick died several years ago. From his hatch I got three nice roosters - Tom, Dick & Harry. Harry went to Cindi at BYC, along with a pullet named Sally. (Cindi lived outside Seattle).

In the beginning I kept three pens of Spitz - all from different sources. I kept the best rooster hatched from each of the sources and moved him to one of the other pens. That way none of the roos was breeding any of his siblings. That seemed to have worked out over the years.

Another foundation rooster was Butch. I used him as an Avatar for a long time. I think you are familiar with Butch ?

Six of seven eggs hatched. One quit shortly before hatch. Of the six that hatched, one seems to have issues. it's feet were curled. I've taped them straight, but I've yet to see it stand up all the way. Judging from the stripes on their backs, the five vigorous ones are Spitz/Brabanter crosses. It will be interesting to see how they develop.

Gimpy's toes have straightened out, and s/he's standing properly, if a little unsteadily.
Unfortunately, Cindi died last year.
At the time of her death, she did not have any Spitzhaubens (long story).
I may have to get rid of my chickens. I may be developing something my sister the doctor called bird dung lung. I got better face mask to try when cleaning the coops next week. If it doesn't help, the chickens will have to go.
I may have to get rid of my chickens. I may be developing something my sister the doctor called bird dung lung. I got better face mask to try when cleaning the coops next week. If it doesn't help, the chickens will have to go.

That is terrible. Yes, get a better face mask. You can actually get respirator type masks. (My son is respiratory therapist.)

Does this sound like what your sister described: Bird Fanciers Lung
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