Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Did you look Floppsy over and check for injuries? She might have been attacked by a predator during the night and is in shock.

It doesn't sound like LLV. Since we know she has a vitamin deficiency and it can affect the nerves, I would keep her on the Poly-vi-sol, or at least give her a dose on a regular basis.

Hope she gets better. was the day that I let the Spitzhauben inmates into general population. Just wow...I would have never guessed. I was very concerned that my precious little Spitz babies were gonna get picked on. However......they came flying out starting fights with everyone they got close to. I found myself rooting for my other chickens to put them in their places. One of them even got lofty with my tom turkey..who definitely put him in his place. They are like little tweekers, running around cracked out! Eventually they settled down and started to behave a bit. It is getting late so the others were thinking about roosting..I'm sure that helped. In the end I felt as though I spent hours trapped in a Chuckie Cheese with a zillion running children. I have the day off tomorrow so I can keep an eye on them and make sure the carnage is kept to a minimum.
my hamburgs act like that!!!!
Did you look Floppsy over and check for injuries? She might have been attacked by a predator during the night and is in shock.

It doesn't sound like LLV. Since we know she has a vitamin deficiency and it can affect the nerves, I would keep her on the Poly-vi-sol, or at least give her a dose on a regular basis.

Hope she gets better.
Thank you Carla - she passed the next evening - & it turns out it was not Floppsy - another un-named Spitz

The general consensus in the AZ forum is a scorpion or widow sting/bite.

I've got three AS left...
I am so sorry. We have the same critters in Texas, but luckily none of my birds has been bitten.

(Floppsy might still benefit from a regular vitamin treatment, especially in this HOT weather.)
Hey folks, the heat wave will be coming tomorrow and some of you are already IN it.

Give your birds cool water, water down their runs, give diluted Gatorade in their drinks......make a little thing for them to soak their feet in....

If you got a sprinkler, its good! But conserve your water as well. Nothing worse is having a time of getting your well dry or higher water bill or get a fine from the city for over using your water consumption.

Freeze a few water bottles in their drinks.
I lost three girls last night, thankfully none of it was the Spitz but two Wellies and a Coronation Sussex died.

So keep a look out on your birds!

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