Brahma Breeders thread

My Brahmas lay at 7-1/2 months at the earliest, and more usually around 8-1/2 to 9 months. My cockerels usually start crowing and approaching the girls at 7-ish months.
they are not hatchery they are from a legit breeder.
I think it depends on a lot of factors. Mine are from a breeder. They started laying (off and on) at about 5 months. I hatched eggs from them that were set when they were 7 months old and hatched at 85%. The next batch was set 3 weeks later (almost 8 months old) and hatch was 94%. Set the next batch 3 weeks later and hatched 75% (but I think I had some bator problems). Hope that helps.
Okay, this question is for the bantam gurus out there. I don't know if this is even physically possible, but what if you covered a LF hen with a bantam cock? Would you get any bantams out of the mix, would you just get a bunch of birds that are too small to be LF and too large to be bantam? Just curious about the possibilities. Of course, who knows if a bantam cock could even make a go of it, but obviously the other direction (LF over a bantam) would not be good.
No claim to the "guru" title from me. A genetics "guru" might be more useful for your question. Here is observation/opinion on my part: I am sure there is some genetic table that could give you probable out come percentages. I would imagine there would be some of both and some "tweeners". Hope Gary sees this and corrects me if needed. As far as the "physical barriers" to bantam/large fowl copulation........that could easily be overcome by artificial insemination. Just curious, why would you want to do it?

No claim to the "guru" title from me. A genetics "guru" might be more useful for your question. Here is observation/opinion on my part: I am sure there is some genetic table that could give you probable out come percentages. I would imagine there would be some of both and some "tweeners". Hope Gary sees this and corrects me if needed. As far as the "physical barriers" to bantam/large fowl copulation........that could easily be overcome by artificial insemination. Just curious, why would you want to do it?


I don't think I particularly want to do it, just wondering what would be the outcome. Sometimes my mind wanders into the obscure when I'm sitting out there watching the chicks. You know, the what if's and wonder what would happen? Anyway, I was just curious about size genetics and where they come from and whether bantam size genetics is a specific bantam gene, in which case if you bred a bantam to a LF you'd think you'd get some of each. If it is simply a combination of a bunch of different genes that effect size, then you would think that you'd get a mix and some tweens. Anyway, just curious and probably a little bored waiting for these chicks to grow up, hatch, etc so that I can get back to work.
Understand. Someday I am going to make White Brahma Bantams. I already have the ingredients.

So, please share, what is your plan?
I think that would be beautiful!

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