Brahma Breeders thread

Ok I quit. I quit having a compost bin where the chickens can get to it. They can have the compost. As long as they make me some chicken black gold they can have it. I try to keep everything nice and neat and these stinkers just come right behind me and pull it out again. They are making the soil a little easier for me to be able to plant some stuff to help with shade. I'm thinking about ordering some heritage brahma eggs for 1 of the hens to hatch. Could someone give me an idea of who to contact about good heritage chickens? I still love these silly chickens. My children still love them, and hopefully my flock will welcome some ducklings in when they're big enough to go back there.

Silly birds, you can ask on the Facebook site, but most heritage breeders don't sell eggs. Those that do will do it usually at the end of the breeding season
I didn't realize there was a Facebook page. My chickies are goofy. My rooster Foghorn will lay on his back in the sun. First time I saw him do it I freaked thinking something was wrong. Nope he sat up and was just looking at me then went back to sunning himself.
I didn't realize there was a Facebook page. My chickies are goofy. My rooster Foghorn will lay on his back in the sun. First time I saw him do it I freaked thinking something was wrong. Nope he sat up and was just looking at me then went back to sunning himself.

Facebook page
American Brahma Club, most long time breeders are on there
Good Morning, Brahma lovers!
Yesterday I called the feed store and learned they still had a few Brahma chicks in. (I should've just paid by phone for p/u today but, alas, my reply was "see ya tomorrow".
In advance of my trip over there, I'm looking for where to find breed-specific info on Brahmas.
I'll ask my few questions here and in addition to any question I ask, I also welcome feedback on any aspect of Brahmas that I don't ask about!

I'm a broody=bator user (don't own an incubator). While that may change, it's what I'm doing right now. I have a small flock that is conspicuously growing and I'm happy about that.

I love the look of this breed but looks aren't everything. Most important I would like to know how well they'd "fit in" socially with the birds I already have.
I have 3 coops:
Silkie House=8 silkies. They are 2 original parents,( the hen is s brooder), 6 juvie offspring 2 of whom are starting to lay, and one silkie 2 week old chic. FULLY enclosed area.
Condo=Polish pair, Silkie pair, 5 other hens-- maybe pure (australorp, Orpington/s) EE and mixes. All lay except the Polish who is being stubborn still but she's a pullet so she can take her time.FULLY enclosed area.
Upstairs: By far the largest coop and pen but the most vulnerable to attacks bcs the day time pen is large it has no roof. (The night coop has a roof and has too many racoons in the area but we've managed a stand-off by lighting the fully enclosed pen to discourage racoon roaming there and plan to also run hot wires as soon as supplies and electrician can happen.

I'd choose the silkie house for baby Brahma chicks at least for now as there is a broody (named Mima) brooding one chick. We lost the other chick due to escape during this cold snap.

*Since I may get them today and ideally would want not a ton of new birds yet at least one male and one female, are there any signs to look for in order to either Kow gender or Guesstimate the best I can?
*Do Brahmas tend to get along easily with other breeds?
*How are they at adaptation to change, e.g. when 2-3 months old a move to a different pen?
*Do they tolerate heat well (Northeast Florida, USDA zone 9a)?
* Approx grown up size and weight? Rate of growth (slow or fast developers)?
*Egg laying?
*Broody tendencies?
*Potential strengths and potential weaknesses (healthwise mainly, genetic Brahma to Brahma breeding, any other factors)?
*and here's where I ask for info on anything I don't know to ask...

I appreciate that these questions may already be answered and I just don't know where to find that info. So plz, if that's the case, just show me where to look.
Thank you in advance for any and all replies.

Here is what I like about the brahmas: They are very docile, good winter layers, they look attractive, and there is a good chance they will go broody for you. And the chicks are very cute! The feathered legs are dominant, so any mixes are easily identifiable and interesting to look at.

The negatives: Not the best layers year round, they are not very feed thrifty, their feathered legs can get muddy, and overall are slow to mature.

Imo, they would likely get along with any of your birds, but they are going to dwarf your silkies, your silkie chick before the week is up. If you end up with a rooster, they grow even bigger then the females, and I would recommend not keeping them with your silkies in case of breeding related injury. The condo would probably be okay for bird make up, I have many similar breeds that run with my brahmas.
I love my brahmas. They're so nice compared to other breeds I've been around because they're docile. 1 question are these hatchery chicks? If so then they're bred for laying. I had some a couple years ago and still have 1 hen. The cockerels were jerks. My well bred rooster is a sweetheart. I have 14 heritage bred ones and 1 haychery bred. They they good medium sized brown eggs, will go broody if you let them, and are awesome mommas. I haven't had any problems with adding to the flock. Yes they are BIG chickens. They're slow to mature. My last hatching was September 1, 2016 and the cockerel still isn't up to size to process, and the pullets won't start laying until May/June time frame. Usually around 9 to 10 months of age. They love mud. They love compost heaps, they love making a mess of both lol. I've had this flock for over a year and still love them. They give me enough eggs to cook with, supply some of my family, and still raise a clutch or 2. I let 2 hens raise some last year and the youngest are still doing great. I did lose 1 to a hawk last year, but the rest are doing great. Don't put their roosts above knee level because once they get big it's harder for them to get up on them. Also after about 5 6 months they don't fly. They're just too big. I love mine. I walk out of the house and they come running to see if I have any goodies for them.
Here is what I like about the brahmas: They are very docile, good winter layers, they look attractive, and there is a good chance they will go broody for you. And the chicks are very cute! The feathered legs are dominant, so any mixes are easily identifiable and interesting to look at.

The negatives: Not the best layers year round, they are not very feed thrifty, their feathered legs can get muddy, and overall are slow to mature.

Imo, they would likely get along with any of your birds, but they are going to dwarf your silkies, your silkie chick before the week is up. If you end up with a rooster, they grow even bigger then the females, and I would recommend not keeping them with your silkies in case of breeding related injury. The condo would probably be okay for bird make up, I have many similar breeds that run with my brahmas.
Thank you. I will go with that advice. My idea about starting them in the silkie house is to (hopefully) see if Mima, my broody silkie who has Itsy the lone chick (lone not for much longer) will accept and sit on them thru the next few nights. Once they get any size in them--plz correct me if I'm wrong here--around 3 1/2-4 1/2 months (I don't know their rate of growth) they can move to the condo or if the upstairs pen has had hotwire run by then, they can move back in there with some of the pullets I brought down to the condo for safety.
I'll need to make that assessment pretty quickly, whether Mima wants them, will tolerate and care for them or is not buying the deal. I plan to be ready for all possibilities.
I was VERY surprised when the feed store told me they get them pre sexed and there's a 90% chance they are all pullets! I expected straight run only.
That said, I mentioned that I DO want one cockerel in the bunch.
I have no clue how to tell any signs that a chick might be a cockerel...
I am leaving for the vet's office for Tank's routine appt in about 10 minutes and will have my phone with me to check replies.
In the ideal world I'd end up with 4 pullets plus one cockerel. I've pre-paid for 5 chicks since I wanted to be sure they'd be there for me when I go to pick up feed and starter.

Are there any noticeable traits for me, the beginner in this breed, that could indicate female vs male?

I've never even met a Brahma personally so I'm laughing at myself. But it's certainly worth a try if anyone has ideas for me.

Pics will be forthcoming weather permitting. I simply can Not believe the forecast has added yet another cold night tonight into tomorrow's early morning hours! EEEK!

If Mima sits on them, accepts/adopts them she'll do it pretty much right away. That's her personality.
How cold hearty are they as chicks. I mean to ask if they're in a pile under her with Itsy the silkie chick (2 weeks old) will they be ok? Itsy got thru the coldest night with Mima and is just fine today.

I anxiously, excitedly await your response. Thank you so very much!


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