Brahma chick feathering slowly


6 Years
Jul 9, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
I have two almost 1 week old brahma pullets, but Ladybug isn’t feathering as fast as her sister. I know they are slow to feather, but Ladybug’s sister seems to be feathering a lot more normally if that makes any sense?

I’m not sure. Ladybugs wings are just much shorter than her sister’s. Not sure if it’s too early to worry. Can they feather at different times since they’re a meat breed?
One of my Brahmas grew up and feathered out waaaay slower than my other one did last year. She looked weeks behind at one point. I was worried she was either a roo or not well. She was super sassy and I was convinced she would be a roo but she’s a giant, fat, healthy, and still-sassy hen now and she lays every day.
It could be that Ladybug is not growing as fast. Some poultry nutri-drench would help get her on track. If she continues to grow slower than she should be it might cause problems so a bit of a boost is a good idea. You can also try feeding foods high in vitamins like wheat germ, yeast flakes or sunflower seeds.

Ps: add some chick grit if you start feeding seeds.
Just be's very early days yet.
I know, but it still makes me nervous they’re feathering at such different times. My other girls didn’t feather this way... but these are also my first meat breed
Brahmas can be very slow.

My Brahma chicks last summer were two weeks older than the other breeds but after I'd had them all a month the Brahmas were behind their faster-developing sisters.

Also, Brahmas can be deceptive about their sex. My Omelet was widely thought to be a rooster until she approached POL and her adult saddles were clearly hen saddles. But my Marion was Rosemary until two weeks after the "packing peanut" cockerels from that order had been sent to Freezer Camp.

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