BRAHMA-Rama online show! Starts now, ends December 5th.

Great photos, keep them coming! Contest is coming to an end soon. I KNOW there has to be more Brahma people out there, don't be shy.

Still looking for that judge... if no one wants to judge, I'll remove my entries and judge, if no one objects. Or, we can do a entrants choice for winners. Let me know your thoughts.
Here are some of my favorites -

Rocky, my one grown Light Brahma roo, large fowl, 11 months old. He's such a ham - loves to pose!

Gizmo, Partridge Brahma roo, 5 months old, large fowl.

China, Buff Brahma pullet, about 4 months old, large fowl.

Not named yet, Light Brahma pullet and cockerel (and turkey), large fowl

Domino, the favorite one - Light Brahma pullet, 6 months old, large fowl, ready to lay any time.
Drusilla and Darla, two of my 4 buff bantam pullets, when they were about 2 months old. They're lined up on my leg while I'm twisting and contorting to point the camera at them. That's why there's just the shoulder of the third one.

Our breeding groups of Buffs.

I took these today, thought it was funny. I'm a bird, I'm a plane, no wait, I'm a grounded chicken!

So maybe the running start didn't work, wonder if I can get lift off like a helicopter???

Nothing funny, just the group together, and wow, not fighting, LOL. Oh wait, I forgot, this is the one where the two females squared off while I was busy keeping an eye on the males.


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