Brahma Thread

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This guy is still a youngster of approximately 7 months old, hasn't started crowing yet, but is pretty big already. Lots of fluff, lots of foot feathering.

This guy is still a youngster of approximately 7 months old, hasn't started crowing yet, but is pretty big already. Lots of fluff, lots of foot feathering.

good, I was hoping mine are nicer than that roo on the link! and they are only sept babies!!
Thank you - and Princess Bluebell thanks you!

I don't ship live birds, so I'm limited by what people around here want.
This guy is still a youngster of approximately 7 months old, hasn't started crowing yet, but is pretty big already. Lots of fluff, lots of foot feathering.

Do you ship eggs at least?

Beautiful birds!
I got my partridge brahmas from a farmer at a swap who said they randomly popped out of his dark brahmas and he cultivated them. I didn't know what I was looking at but paid $40 for a trio. They were huge and just beautiful. A couple of months ago I lost my roosters to a pair of loose dogs. I am heart broken but I just can't justify paying hundreds of dollars for a replacement. Too many things like to eat chickens

Is the roo you lost the same one that's in your avatar picture? He is/was very handsome.
is this a dark cockeral? I don't think. It may be a bit young yet to tell for certain. Typically the male darks feather in more black in the breast as the sexes are colored so differently in the darks. That bird in the background looks more male to me at this point. My exprience with darks is limited, so pease don't take it to the bank.

My broody barred rock hatched 2 fertilized eggs I placed under her about 5 months ago.
Attached a pict showing the 2 chickens(now about 5 months old). I'm assuming
they are Brahmas, of some variety..... I'm not all that familiar w the breed. Can anyone tell
if the white one looks like it's on it' s way to being a rooster?? It does not crow, has laid no
eggs (neither has the brown one).... and the other day I noticed it was trying to mount one of
the barred rocks. It's also very skittish and a nervous nelly. Thanks.

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