Brahma Thread

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I am so in love with mine! OMG this Roo issue is already killing me!!! How long until they start to fight? whar age?? My SLW Roo died he was the layer pen protector, I am thinking in a month or so moving two of the Roos over in that coop. Then I MAY be able to keep all 5 lol..
I keep telling DH ... "well I heard its ALWAYs best to have the backup roos" RIGHT????

we had a little photo shoot before the storm comes... its C o l d outside!

NOTE: never attempt pics as soon as you let them in the run UNLESS you want action shots!!! out of 50 I only got a few nice pics and even them aint that good.... this is my favorite though...

My Cire, English Springer Spaniel NOT THE LOOK I like to see!!! ugggggg

Mr. Big Boy Blue #1 Baby standing his ground!!!

Your birds are lovely! Where does your stock originate?
I was trying to take pics of my beautiful blue sept babies and all they did was want to peck me and the camera!! stinkers!!!
so I threw some crack down and this is what I got then
I cant wait for all their feathers to come in!!! YAY !!!

and my big beautiful roo... hard to believe they hatched sept!!
Here is my fav mr Roo He is huge

I have a ton of pics though.... will add and let those who had sent Pm's looking for more details on their stenciling and coloring..... <3 love my silly babies!!


OMG these are blue sept, right? They are amazing! I don't have any brahmas of my own... One of these days...
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I can't believe I just found this thread!!! We've had lots of brahmas but recently decided to breed them and try to get some new colors.

this is Ford, dark brahma and the only boy currently in the laying hen pen

Fancy, a lf buff brahma

Goldie, a golden laced brahma

a better shot of Goldie

And Ford again!

Brahmas are the most friendly birds I've ever had.....One question: If I put a dark brahma roo on a swedish flower hen will it still have feathered feet and the brahma personality? The only cross I've done was a Light brahma roo over RIR hen and the only one that hatched came out red with no feet feathers.....Thanks! and Nice to meet everyone!
I can't believe I just found this thread!!! We've had lots of brahmas but recently decided to breed them and try to get some new colors. this is Ford, dark brahma and the only boy currently in the laying hen pen Fancy, a lf buff brahma Goldie, a golden laced brahma a better shot of Goldie And Ford again! Brahmas are the most friendly birds I've ever had.....One question: If I put a dark brahma roo on a swedish flower hen will it still have feathered feet and the brahma personality? The only cross I've done was a Light brahma roo over RIR hen and the only one that hatched came out red with no feet feathers.....Thanks! and Nice to meet everyone!
Goldie is a partridge ( gold pencilled) not laced
I can't believe I just found this thread!!! We've had lots of brahmas but recently decided to breed them and try to get some new colors.

this is Ford, dark brahma and the only boy currently in the laying hen pen

Fancy, a lf buff brahma

Goldie, a golden laced brahma

a better shot of Goldie

And Ford again!

Brahmas are the most friendly birds I've ever had.....One question: If I put a dark brahma roo on a swedish flower hen will it still have feathered feet and the brahma personality? The only cross I've done was a Light brahma roo over RIR hen and the only one that hatched came out red with no feet feathers.....Thanks! and Nice to meet everyone!
Hi!! Pretty birds!
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