Brahma Thread

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My Brahmas are breeding...

My first baby...I am so tickled!


Moms ( Lacie and Lacey)




I'm posting from Finland and I'm not sure wich colour my brahma's are, here these are called golden-brahma :)


one week old

these hens are 10 months

And here's the rooster

There is a group working to get that variety added to our standard as "Gold Partridge" here in the U.S. There is a recognized variety/color pattern here(not in Brahmas though) called just "partridge". The Brahmas being submitted for admission are much lighter than traditional "partridge"...thus the "gold partridge". Thanks for posting the photos.

Tim Lindenborn
Thanks Tim

Light brahmas are fearly common here, then we have silver brahma, wich is lighter version of these "partridge" ones. It's nice to learn about these colours, we seem to be light years behind from you! It's allmost imbossiple to get new breeds and colours here :( Importing eggs is expensive, and requires tons of paper work... I would like to import eggs, but I have to be excepted as a official importer, It cost's about 200 € and then i could import only 19 eggs
And the poultry wich sends these eggs has to be registred, and vet has to approve the place, then the eggs must be incupated in quarantine, and the hatched chicks must be quarantined for 30 days
no one who has small facilities isn't able to do these things... Easy isn't it :D






The top one is a bantam the rest are full size they all have pea combs n soft ear lobes and hairy feet are they brahmas and if so what type I live in the uk!!
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