Brahma Thread

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He was doing his little leaning in show off strut. Thats what gave the impression I guess. I just like that photo because it shows the complete hackle.
Here are a few more pictures of my chicks, more to come soon...they are all older then what age they are shown in the photos


another black chick, different from the one posted earlier (he is now about 4 months)


A picture of the first red chick posted at about 3 weeks ( he is now about 3.5 months)


The chick trio at about 2 weeks
We have 5 LF (Brahma, SLW, Dominique, Easter Egger, GLW), in that pecking order. We had our first egg Monday (Woo Hoo!) from our SLW presumably. Today we have 3 (from SLW, Dominique, & Easter Egger)- again presumably.
This morning the top hen (Dark Brahma) was in the nesting box making a pretty nest with the hay. By this I mean grabbing hay that was kicked out the box from the night before (they all sleep in the nesting boxes) and setting it on her shoulder for it to drop into the nest box to make the circular pattern.

The Brahma has shown little signs of laying (she squats submissively sometimes, but there is little comb development & she is a much heavier breed than the others).

Is this top hen/roo behavior? Or am I misguided to think that she isn't one of the ones who layed today?
I don't think the other varieties you named would be any quicker to lay than the Brahma. The EE lays the bluish green egg obviously. I think all the other varieties, brown eggs. All pullets lay small eggs. Unless you have caught them in the act, I would not assume a particular bird laid a particular egg. You know for sure which bird is laying the blue/green egg. How old are they?

BTW, if they are sleeping in the nest box, you might want to build them a roost. Cover or remove the nest boxes at night until they get the message. Its just easier to clean eggs that have not been laid in a steaming pile of poop. I'm not trying to sound rude, just an observation.
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Tim, Don't worry about offending me. I'm thick skinned. That's why I ask. All should lay brown eggs except the EE.
They are 22w 3d now.
They have a roost with 2 bars. They just always sleep in the nest box at night. I tidy the nest boxes in the AM after letting them out of the coop & run. I guess we just thought they'd get too big for the nest boxes but they all pile up on top of one another rather than using th bars. Since they're now starting to lay, I agree that it'd be a good idea to get them out of boxes and onto the roosts...

Do Brahmas usually lay brown with speckles? Without speckles? Or does it matter on the individual? (hatchery quality)
Brown, but individual birds do vary. Some of my birds have speckled eggs-mostly brown though. Pullet eggs are darker, they lighten up after they have laid awhile. I believe your Brahma will lay your largest egg of the breeds you have. I don't think it matters on egg color or quality if its a hatchery bird or not.
So i have some news....I found a really nice couple here in mt who was downsizing their flock they had a mixed flock of really good looking I was looking around and guess what comes wandering out....a POORLY(never thought I'd be so happy about that) colored light brahma just like my Lucy who we all know is for sure a was fate so we took her and her name is shadow and we also got another bird from them I"m so EXCITED...I'll take pictures of her tomorrow
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