Brahma Thread

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Why!!! I would love to get blue partirdige some day. But there are none in canada
(that i can locate anyways)
Thank you everybody. The blue laced reds are coming along.

Did learn a lesson about using a male with too orange"ish" saddle. Probable cause of the light chicks pictured previously. Luckily I had sought the advice of some Wyandotte breeders and kept a very dark cockerel that had not previously impressed me enough to consider a keeper, and did also get some proper colored chicks.

The BLR do show their Cornish heritage, as do the Silver Laced. Thankfully I have avoided vulture hock issues in the reds.
Big Medicine, birds are looking good. I do see one major fault for feathers down the middle toe...While you have avoided the VH issue, you are missing a piece of the Brahma Standard. Do you find this eay to fix? I run into it occassionally with dark chicks and cull them.

Thank you, but they are still very much a work in progress. I do have some with better foor feathering, there is some variation, as they are only 3-4 generations from the Wyandotte blood used to bring in the color. I will continue to select for improved type, size, color, and better foot feathering. It will take a little time, but should be able to get the proper feathering. Though the handy thing about this issue is, what you see is what you got, making it much easier to work with than the sneaky recessive nature of vulture hocks.
Would anybody mind giving me some comments on a couple of my roos?

This is one of my two adult roos +-18 months. Wish I had taken this before he molted his tail; it will be back soon.


This is his first born @ 10 weeks


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They both look nice, the second boy kinda looks like he's got some partridge coming in on his feathers.
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