Brahma Thread

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Quite a few of my girls are real heavyweights.

Here's my favourite weighty hen, Mrs Grey,on the right, with her daughter, Littlegrey, so named as she looked like mum but WAS smaller.....she's really catching up now. Mrs Grey has another two daughters....the Grey twins....OK not a very original name.... who also look just like mum. Actually Littlegrey has blue/green eyes as well as less foot feathers, but seen at a distance they look almost identical.


I love these big birds.
Thank you for the nice comments. That pair are popular due to their very friendly behaviour (especially Mrs Grey.) She comes in to the kitchen at least twice a day for treats, sleeps on the dog's bed and generally behaves like a diva being alpha hen.


Bringing in one of her many broods for treats.

Seeker411, yes those are poultry saddles as I have rather too many roos (though this pair probably would be fine without saddles as they choose exactly who they mate with.......usually the Blue Partridge roo in the background.....and then you get this.


Artemis 7 month old and already a very big boy.

There are some really lovely birds in the States from what I'm seeing on this site. It seems to me that our standards are different, but certainly they are not tighter, probably much less so.
Light Brahmas at Crossroad-



If anyone know who breeds these huge SQ birds, please pm me, I would love to get some hatching eggs to replace what I had lost. Thanks.
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