Brahma Thread

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In my opinion you would be better off saving your money and buying a good pair with excellent type. 10 eggs from someone you know NOTHING about is a huge gamble. Do you know who "chickeneggs123" is. Or are you just joking around?
No clue who they are that is just their ebay user name. There is a swap in I believe pierpont on the the sixteenth. You can bring all sorts of things apparrently like animals garage sale stuff and baked goods. I think I will bring some brahma chicks to sale. This time I definetly won't get my hopes up high for buying brahmas.
Just put 10 Light Brahma chicks in the brooder. Hopefully they will turn out.. I moved some of my other Brahmas SL, GL, BLR, and BL they are a little over a month old and they are looking pretty nice. These birds are some lucky ones, they got lost in the mail. They showed up 2 days late! Only lost 4 little SL. I could not believe it. They came from TX and got lost somewhere before Pittsburgh, PA. They are from High View Farm. Does anyone know when the Chicken Shows are at Canfeild, OH?
Hi! I have one Light Brahma in my tiny trio of a "flock". I have a question, that may have already been asked here, but this thread is huge. I was hoping someone would be willing to help me out.

We're installing the coop and run, and I need to know how high to make the perch bars in the coop that will be suitable for the Brahma. How high should they be?
My little Brahma can't keep up with the RIR or EE, and can't fly up to the perch they have in their brooder. Right now, she sleeps alone on a floor perch that is basically a 2x4 on end and screwed to a couple of cross supports.

My little Brahma has already hurt her leg (maybe from trying to get on the other perch... I don't know). I nursed her back to health using a chick chair. In the process, she has become my favorite. She comes to me when I go outside to see her. She's quite the family pet. Here's the story of her injury and recovery:

And here's a picture of my son "chicken sitting" my Light Brama while she's free-ranging in the back yard... protecting her from the stray cats that wander through.

Also... another question - do they have to have a larger size door to walk through than you typically see on a chicken coop?

Thanks for your help!
If the picture is recent, she is still really young. The chicks do not need a perch if they can have a nice clean place to lay down at night. If you want them on a perch, you could create a perch barely off the ground.
She is young. All three of my birds are 8 weeks.

Their "brooder" (converted large-dog wire kennel) has a perch that is 21" off the ground. My Rhode Island Red and Easter Egger love to hang out up there, but my Brahma has never gotten up there. She always seems alone.

Since we're trying to get the real coop installed, I was wondering if there was a perch height that would be good for all three birds. I'd rather that the Brahma wouldn't have to spend her life as a loner sitting on a floor perch while the other two sleep in a higher perch. I've read that the the perch is supposed to be higher than the egg boxes.

The egg boxes on the coop are floor level. The egg box doorway is also cut to fit a standard size chicken - the boxes are 14"x15" - but the doorway to the box is smaller.

I'll admit... I'm a first time chicken owner. I bought my birds at a feed store. I got the Brahma because the store clerk said "oh, get one of these, they're really cool looking". I had no idea she was going to be bigger or be so much different than the other two. Now that I have them, at this point, I LOVE the Brahma breed and wish I had gone with 3 Brahmas instead. If her personaility is similar to other Brahma's, she's perfect for our family. Not overly spunky, doesn't fly all over the place and never gives us attitude. I want to accomodate the coop to be Brahma-ready for the next time around.
If the picture is recent, she is still really young. The chicks do not need a perch if they can have a nice clean place to lay down at night. If you want them on a perch, you could create a perch barely off the ground.

And, yes, she does have a floor perch that is about 2 inches off the ground. The other two just hang out higher than her, leaving her all alone.
Brahmas are not as flighty, but can fly up on a perch when they are older. 21 inches might be too much for right now. I would lower the perch so all three can be on it.
NONE of my adult Brahmas perch, and I have a lot. They are able to fly to a greater or lesser extend and none have ever suffered the indignity of clipping, but they don't bother. My heaviest Brahma hen (10 plus pounds) is unsure as to whether she should jump down off a one brick wall.

At night they form a multi-coloured floor heap with two ledges above for other chickens (the top one four feet up for La Flèche who prefer to sit in trees by day.) The ledges are to stop the Brahma heap from being 'rained on' from above.

My second and third coops house the odd Brahma (on the floor) with other chickens on perches.
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