Brahma Thread

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My Brahma duo...Tallulah and Twilla. These two are hatchery babies...but they have made me think I might want some more from a breeder. They are absolutely sweet and low key. I want to wait and see how awful feathered feet are here in the Pacific Northwest winters. They are 15 weeks old.
DeannaOR, My Buff Brahmas, 2 hens and a roo, did fine with the mud. I used reject sand in the runs. Their foot feathers certainly got wet free ranging but would be dry by morning. In the process of adding in 7 more Buff Brahmas pullets in that flock. They are such an easy going breed. Where did you get you darks? Would be very interested if you find a local breeder. I think I have seen them listed on Farwest Hatchery's list.
My guy got them for me as a gift from Wilco in Oregon City. I usually don't want hatchery birds..but they were a present.

Buff Brahmas.....I may have to hit you up for hatching eggs in the spring =)
My Brahma duo...Tallulah and Twilla. These two are hatchery babies...but they have made me think I might want some more from a breeder. They are absolutely sweet and low key. I want to wait and see how awful feathered feet are here in the Pacific Northwest winters. They are 15 weeks old.

What an awesome picture they could be cancan girls
LOL! My Light Brahma's name is Drama.
Named by my youngest son. We have Brahma Drama every single day.


Yes, today there was plenty of Brahma Drahma in the backyard today. I gave them baths!

To make matters worse, the little bugers got blow-dried! LOL Then they sat under a heat lamp for several hours. I gave them meal worms to make up for the trauma I caused them.

Talk about your bedraggled hens... Now I see where the expression " madder than a wet hen" comes from.

Although, they're madder when you try to put a chicken diaper on them...
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I ordered 15 Buff Brahma chicks from cackle hatchery. They sent me a few chicks that looked different from the rest. The only one that is still alive looks identical to a gold laced Brahma I bought a week ago. The one in question is in the front with a buff Brahma chick behind for comparison. Did they accidentally give me a gold laced? They don't offer gold laced but heard that hatcheries source hatching eggs from specific breeders. Kinda middleman thing. Im not mad. Kinda of happy if they did. So I will have 2 instead of 1!!
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