Brahma Thread

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Not sure how, but got a new 2013 hatchery catalog in the mail today. Got to give them credit for using actual photos of birds instead of paintings of good birds. But man if that is representative of what you should expect, ...whew.
Quote: Pictures pictures Clucky!!
My husband and I just purchased a LB Brahma at the Ohio National 2012. She is so beautiful and we love her dearly. BUT...she has a bit of a cough. I did not really know about it and she has been introduced to my flock already. She is getting along really well, and then my husband said that she was coughing outside. I was concerned and pulled her inside with our inside chicken.

So I have been watching her for over 1 week and she is still coughing (it almost sounds like a bark) She is eating and drinking very well. She has a full crop as we speak. She is getting along with the flock well. She is still preening herself and foraging when she was outside. She is a small chicken and I am not sure when she was born.

I have done some research and was concerned about some sort of respiratory disease. She does not have any face swelling. She does not have any nasal discharge. She has normal poops. Normal personality. She is making lots of noise right now because she is happy. She makes happy noises when I pet her. She is happy. I just do not know what to do with her. I don't know if she just doesn't like the coop setup or what. All of the other chickens are doing fine.

So here is what I have done. I put cayenne peppers in the coop with some pumpkin and pumpkin seeds in case she had some sort of worms. I have put ACV in the water. I have been feeding plain yogurt with Cod Liver oil. She is still coughing though.

What should I do for her? What do you think it is? She is so sweet and lovey. :( I need help for my girl!
My husband and I just purchased a LB Brahma at the Ohio National 2012. She is so beautiful and we love her dearly. BUT...she has a bit of a cough. I did not really know about it and she has been introduced to my flock already. She is getting along really well, and then my husband said that she was coughing outside. I was concerned and pulled her inside with our inside chicken.

So I have been watching her for over 1 week and she is still coughing (it almost sounds like a bark) She is eating and drinking very well. She has a full crop as we speak. She is getting along with the flock well. She is still preening herself and foraging when she was outside. She is a small chicken and I am not sure when she was born.

I have done some research and was concerned about some sort of respiratory disease. She does not have any face swelling. She does not have any nasal discharge. She has normal poops. Normal personality. She is making lots of noise right now because she is happy. She makes happy noises when I pet her. She is happy. I just do not know what to do with her. I don't know if she just doesn't like the coop setup or what. All of the other chickens are doing fine.

So here is what I have done. I put cayenne peppers in the coop with some pumpkin and pumpkin seeds in case she had some sort of worms. I have put ACV in the water. I have been feeding plain yogurt with Cod Liver oil. She is still coughing though.

What should I do for her? What do you think it is? She is so sweet and lovey. :( I need help for my girl!
My Buff Brahma hens had the same issue not too long ago! I did the VetRX, ACV, Garlice and so on... nothing worked until we bought the Sulmet, we did it for four days and the cough/sneezes stopped! Cheap and just put in water....
Below is what I have saved in my Chickens Pinterest Board ..... the link is in my signature below..... Good Luck with her!!! Our Light Brahma "Ducky Girl" is our most favorite chicken!!! <3 Do you have a pic of the girl?
Drinking Water Solution For The Control Of Chicken Infectious Coryza (Avibacterium paragallinarum) Coccidiosis (Eimeria tenella, Eimeria necatrix) Acute Fowl Cholera (Pasteurella multocida) Pullorum Disease (Salmonella Pullorum) This treatment applies to the following species: •Beef Cattle •Chickens •Dairy Cattle •Swine •Turkeys Manufacturer: Boehringer Ingelheim 10 bucks a bottle and GREAT to have on hand!
Welcome to the forum, and more importantly Brahmas.

Getting your first Brahma can be a mixed blessing. ... are on a slippery slope my friend. It starts out innocently enough, you get your first Brahma, and are soon taken by their majestic bearing, and calmness. ..... Some people try to deny the inevetable transition to a all Brahma flock,(dak) but deep down you will come to know it is the only truelly sensible outcome..


In closing, again welcome, and don't dwell on how long it took you get your first Brahma. It's really not your fault, you just did not know any better.

This is very funny!

I was wondering if there are Light Brahmas that are bantams?? [I want a smaller bird] I would so love them. I do see buff bantams but never any other color. Can anyone help a brahma-wanna-be?
This is very funny!

I was wondering if there are Light Brahmas that are bantams?? [I want a smaller bird] I would so love them. I do see buff bantams but never any other color. Can anyone help a brahma-wanna-be?
I am about to overwhelm with BRAHMA pictures!! Happy Thanksgiving ya all!

BEAUTIFUL Morning, no food to prepare for ONCE! and it was all about the chickens!! <3

Brahma lover <3 <3

I cant BELIEVE HOW HUGE they are getting.... Harmony was like "Mom holy Bleep Bleep" .when she picked one up!! .......ummmm dearest daughter, daddy has a potty mouth You, dearest DO NOT!"
She said that his hands are bigger than hers!! LOL QUESTION: these are 6 months old, how much bigger will they get???????

My BABIES (Sept. 3rd) BELOW are growing FAST and OMG they are HEAVY and wonderful TALL!!
This is just a few until the run is finished, dont wanna have to catch them...

RUN is getting enclosed this weekend!! YAY pretty sure its a 50/50 hen roo
Better pics then!! Not sure where all the brahma in th pree brooder are going! LOL

And My HUGE ROO... Love him...... Any Name suggestions???????????

Thanks for letting me share them, my Facebook friends just Do NOT understand!
rofl at your daughter saying "mom holy bleep bleep" hahaha

they're beautiful birds :)

Our GLBs have changed drastically in their temperament. Two of them have become absolute affection addicts. They are squawking like crazy when they're not being cuddled - SO sweet.

Then there's Mr. McNaughtyface. chicken I have ever been witness to and they're only 4 days old? He is dreadful. He even rips feathers out of my 4 week old NJs, and caused bleeding on beaks on his siblings, and a bare butt on one of them. The problem is that he is physically the single most beautiful example of a GLB chick I've ever seen and his size is massive. He's twice the size of the other two, plump, very fluffy and his markings on his face are out of this world (although evil looking because they're so drastic). In any case- he's by himself in his own brooder because he can't be trusted with others. He's getting a new home soon (they are aware of his anger management issue). I don't know that it's a boy actually, but I think he is because he's absolutely massive and looks like a 2 week old in size. His chest is broad and "button popping" and he stands taller...and walks with his beak in the air even, like he thinks he's the bomb. Arrogant little cuss at 4 days. :(
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rofl at your daughter saying "mom holy bleep bleep" hahaha

they're beautiful birds :)

Our GLBs have changed drastically in their temperament. Two of them have become absolute affection addicts. They are squawking like crazy when they're not being cuddled - SO sweet.

Then there's Mr. McNaughtyface. chicken I have ever been witness to and they're only 4 days old? He is dreadful. He even rips feathers out of my 4 week old NJs, and caused bleeding on beaks on his siblings, and a bare butt on one of them. The problem is that he is physically the single most beautiful example of a GLB chick I've ever seen and his size is massive. He's twice the size of the other two, plump, very fluffy and his markings on his face are out of this world (although evil looking because they're so drastic). In any case- he's by himself in his own brooder because he can't be trusted with others. He's getting a new home soon (they are aware of his anger management issue). I don't know that it's a boy actually, but I think he is because he's absolutely massive and looks like a 2 week old in size. His chest is broad and "button popping" and he stands taller...and walks with his beak in the air even, like he thinks he's the bomb. Arrogant little cuss at 4 days. :(
4 Days!!! Bawahahhahhahhaaaaaa that cracked me up!!! as if McNaughtyface wasnt enough!!!
def need a peein in pants emoticon!
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