Brand New to incubating


Apr 29, 2018
Delevan, NY
Hiya everyone :frow just wanted to let everyone know that my first incubating project has been underway for about 20 days now. We started with 30 eggs in the bator, have tossed 3 (broke one on accident trying to candle it) had 2 pop out the day before yesterday (got me why they came so early) currently 2 more are cracking there way out as we speak. So far the 2 that have hatched is a lil yellow one (that is a trouble maker :lol ) and a lil black one that seemed early, she still has some yolk stuck to her back and both feet have crooked toes. We have looked up info on the crooked toes issue and we have tried cardboard booties but one feel off not 2 mins after getting them on, the other stayed on throughout the night but still wasnt a great job and we ended up taking it off. my fat finger syndrome does not allow me to be able to work with there tiny toes, currently the wife is trying sumpin with pipe cleaner... I will update as we progress!

UPDATE On the chickie with the crooked toes... as u red the booties were not so successful putting them on but the one that did stay on and a lil luck (the wife had been doing an electrolyte/vitamin water for them) both her feet has straightened out and shes as happy as can be!!!
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UPDATE so last night before we went to bed we had 2 hatch out two lil black girls and its weird cause they are both different then the first lil black baby we got one has all black legs and feet along with body and the other lil black one has a whiteish face, so we went to bed woke up this am and there is also a yellow one in there running around too!!!! so excited :D
So far we have had five that hatched out and are doing well. Issue is that i have really no idea what breed they are, i got some close guesses. Imma post up some pics and lemme know what you all think?

Well i think the first batch we started are done hatching we got 5 and now the 2nd batch of 5 we put in are coming around so far 1 has hatched and theres a pip in one other :D
Question..... the five other chicks range from 5 days ol to 3 days old would introducing the baby chicks int othe same place as them not be a good idea? or is it kinda a thing of put them in and see how they are?
Well i think the first batch we started are done hatching we got 5 and now the 2nd batch of 5 we put in are coming around so far 1 has hatched and theres a pip in one other :D
Question..... the five other chicks range from 5 days ol to 3 days old would introducing the baby chicks int othe same place as them not be a good idea? or is it kinda a thing of put them in and see how they are?
I add new babies to the brooder if there is less than 2 weeks age difference between them
they was our own eggs, i would Post a pic of them but they are free rangers and scattered hell western crooked all over my property so there would be like a million pics cause there not in groups lol but at least i can get the cows in one group here they are :lau


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