Breaking the Law, Breaking the Law

I am familiar with the works of Mr. Swift. Thank you for your well crafted, civil, and scholarly response.

Thanks for understanding it’s not a personal attack, and maybe a few people unfamiliar with it will give it a read and understand where you may have been going with it better. It’s hard to convey sarcasm and inflection well in an online forum sometimes.

I Hope the OP can find a workable solution; home ownership, bylaws, and chickens can be confusing and sometimes unclear and overly restrictive. I lived in the Vancouver area of Canada, and the only city we could afford to buy in was New Westminster. As the Former Capital of the Province it has the most restrictive anti chicken laws of the area, and I won’t mention my hopes of urban beekeeping being dashed either! Our solution was to move to a fully Agriculturalally zoned Farm, but that too has complications. Sometimes relocating is possible, otherwise you can try to work within the system and get a variance or change the code, but as mentioned that is a long drawn out process! I do like the idea of approaching a rescue group and asking about time needed to responsibly rehome the flock!
Oh wow I never realized you needed so many acres in certain places, i have 3 acres, 6 ducks (4 can fly) and im getting 10 chickens today.. sorry that happened to you. Most of my neighbors have chickens, that are free range, no one even cares that my ducks are all over (they are free range)
All this makes me grateful for my neighbors. I live in a semi-rural area. My closest neighbors love chickens and even roosters! They were disappointed when I told them I wasn't planning on having any roos (well, I have 2 now). My other neighbors are - ahem - "growers," for personal use, I'm sure. They wouldn't dare call code enforcement! Regardless of the nature of their farm, they are a great family who have had chickens, turkeys, goats and pigs in the past.
Thank y'all so much for your responses. Sorry for my delay. We are super angry, heartbroken, and I feel so guilty. My little boy loves his chickens, he's 2.5 years old and has Cystic Fibrosis, and the extra protein of the eggs would have been wonderful.

We actually just got our first two, perfect brown eggs today, at literally the very moment our friend with a farm called to talk about rehoming them to his place.

So next week they'll be rehomed to an 82 acre farm, with the coop. Hopefully the transition won't be too hard on them. Or us.

Zoning comes Tuesday for the 7 day inspection, and I'm hoping he'll give us the time until next weekend to move them. He sounded fairly apologetic anyway, after I gave him an earful.

I lined the furniture up on our property line, and most of it was taken by people for free on LetGo. The rest, unless somebody comes for it, will now sit there until night 6 and we take it to Salvation Army. Right on the line.

This lady has called on every neighbor surrounding her, I found out yesterday. Zoning agreed to look at her trees and fence when he comes back. He tried to shove it off on public works, as he has when other neighbors have complained about the trees, but I also informed him that the day my child and I are plowed because of the obstruction, I'm suing her and the township for their negligent inaction. I actually have a law degree, but have never had a chance to be well versed in zoning violations. Criminal law and immigration law are my thing. I found the noise ordinance, so she can listen to Mexican music at an inch within the law from now until the day she dies or moves. Beginning today. And I think tomorrow I'm going to chalk line the property line, and I'm hacking anything over it to bits. Very publicly.

She's going down. And she's trying to sell her house for double what it's worth, so I'm also going to make that very difficult for her.

But long story short, I learned a valuable lesson, and I hope the girls will be even happier on a big old farm where they can free range their hearts out. That's my only consolation. Thank y'all so much for your camaraderie, comedy, and advice. This group has been invaluable in helping our little homesteading experiment, and I'm going to remain a member...cuz we down, but we ain't out. Within the next year we'll be moving home to NC, and you can bet it'll be in a chicken friendly zone.
All this makes me grateful for my neighbors. I live in a semi-rural area. My closest neighbors love chickens
Same here, I’m very grateful for my neighbors. Sometimes neighbors bring their kids/grandkids by to see the ducks, I always go out there and use my most tame runner Brendan as sort of a “duck ambassador”
One of my neighbors thinks I need more ducks! My husband says I have enough.
Glad the op found a solution, even though it’s less than ideal.
Thank y'all so much for your responses. Sorry for my delay. We are super angry, heartbroken, and I feel so guilty. My little boy loves his chickens, he's 2.5 years old and has Cystic Fibrosis, and the extra protein of the eggs would have been wonderful.

We actually just got our first two, perfect brown eggs today, at literally the very moment our friend with a farm called to talk about rehoming them to his place.

So next week they'll be rehomed to an 82 acre farm, with the coop. Hopefully the transition won't be too hard on them. Or us.

Zoning comes Tuesday for the 7 day inspection, and I'm hoping he'll give us the time until next weekend to move them. He sounded fairly apologetic anyway, after I gave him an earful.

I lined the furniture up on our property line, and most of it was taken by people for free on LetGo. The rest, unless somebody comes for it, will now sit there until night 6 and we take it to Salvation Army. Right on the line.

This lady has called on every neighbor surrounding her, I found out yesterday. Zoning agreed to look at her trees and fence when he comes back. He tried to shove it off on public works, as he has when other neighbors have complained about the trees, but I also informed him that the day my child and I are plowed because of the obstruction, I'm suing her and the township for their negligent inaction. I actually have a law degree, but have never had a chance to be well versed in zoning violations. Criminal law and immigration law are my thing. I found the noise ordinance, so she can listen to Mexican music at an inch within the law from now until the day she dies or moves. Beginning today. And I think tomorrow I'm going to chalk line the property line, and I'm hacking anything over it to bits. Very publicly.

She's going down. And she's trying to sell her house for double what it's worth, so I'm also going to make that very difficult for her.

But long story short, I learned a valuable lesson, and I hope the girls will be even happier on a big old farm where they can free range their hearts out. That's my only consolation. Thank y'all so much for your camaraderie, comedy, and advice. This group has been invaluable in helping our little homesteading experiment, and I'm going to remain a member...cuz we down, but we ain't out. Within the next year we'll be moving home to NC, and you can bet your ass it'll be in a chicken friendly zone.
I'm sorry it ended this way. It sounds like your neighbor is a little off her rocker. I hope she leaves asap so you and your son can get on with your lives without her unwarranted interference.

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