Breda Fowl thread


here's a pic of my Breda group that hatched around New Year's Day

I hope I end up with more hens than roosters lol
has anyone ever crossed a mottled Breda to a splash Breda iv always wondered what that would look like ?

I'm no geneticist but it seems like it would be a mottled bird with more white than black body feathering. Or else some chicks would look normal mottled while some would look splash. I was told by a breeder that with Breda you can't count on the genetic rules that work for other breeds. You get surprises with Breda.
(2011) My favorite Blue boy from Greenfire. Love his blue lacing

I believe this boy was the granddaddy to my Blue girl and she was gorgeous, and funny, and sweet as could be!

Isn't she the prettiest thing?

She was such a sweet petite pullet and loved having her as a house pet during quarantine.
I have several dozen Mottled Breda eggs in the incubators getting ready to hatch in a week or so. If anyone is interested in reserving some, please PM me before I list them. Mareks vaccine included. I ship at 2 weeks old+ as Breda can be fragile early on. All will look like this cute little t-rex


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