Breda Fowl thread


I'm hoping the mostly white chick is a pullet. its so hard to get them to show what they are in pictures.I also took the plunge and bought 18 mottled breda eggs from rare feather ranch
. Hopefully they arrive this week. .

RFR of CA got her BBS from Greenfire when she had them and she got her Cuckoos from Dutch Connection when she had them. I don't remember where RFR got the Mottled - maybe DC too? I love doing business w/ RFR. They really care about their birds. You always want a facility that specializes in a few breeds and is trying to improve the stock rather than just fill customer orders. I hope you get a good hatch. Breda are a tricky breed as chicks. Actually, any eggs or chicks are tricky but Breda are so rare that you keep your fingers crossed the whole time!
Yes if I remember the splash Blues were yellow chicks. When older.....
this was Stumpy....shortest legs of all my boys
I like Stumpy. He doesn't look out of the ordinary short but I suppose next to other Breda boys he would look shorter. I mean, he doesn't look like Dorking short and just by looking he passes as any other rooster breed size. The Breda boys are very regal when they walk or stand up.
Got my mottled breda eggs from Rare Feather Ranch in CA this morning that I ordered on Tuesday . Dam post service put a hole in the box and ruined one egg. The other 17 are good. They are resting now till 9am tomorrow morning then into the incubator, no turner, for 2 days ,then Sunday I put the turner in and count down the days...
Her packing was fantastic. I can't wait to see what hatches at the end of the month


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