Breda Fowl thread

View attachment 1462391 I'm now the very proud owner of a very lonely Splash Breda hen.
I just FELL IN LOVE with these at first site!!! Although, there were none for sale at the time of my visit, and probably not till next year or two due to a waiting list. A visit to a reputable breeder for Langshan pullets- and 1 case of mistaken identify -
I felt badly, & offered to exchange her for the "correct" bird. Admiral breeder that she was, declined to say she was mine. (ME JUMPING FOR PURE JOY & EXTREME HAPPINESS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE LINE- GRINDING EAR TO EAR!)
OH MY! How MUCH do I love this GORGEOUS girl!
Now?....a husband prospect....
Sylvester is right you need a couple more :). I'm sure I will have husbands available in a couple of months - waiting for them to feather out and be sure.
How lovely to have a Breda! You must get at least one or two more with her! I have one lonely Breda in my little backyard flock and she really should have a similar Breda friend -- they are such unique birds in appearance, personality, temperament. i've gone through 5 Breda in a couple years and have only one left -- a Cuckoo -- and am waiting in line for another Breda. We had 112 and 115 degree heatwave and she weathered it magnificently but I lost one of my Dominiques to heatstroke. So I can vouch that my Cuckoo Breda must be one of the hardier varieties of Breda -- or I've just been lucky after losing 3 other variety Breda hens to low resistance issues. I am looking forward to having another Breda when the breeder projects feel the birds have been developed enough to be a hardier breed. I just LOVE the Breda breed! Since I lost one of my lovely Dominique pullets I have an open vacancy for a Breda and will keep that slot open waiting for one (or two LOL)!
Poor you - sorry to hear about your Dom :( The weather has been quite hot here too - reaching 90 with heat index of 100F. Luckily my girls have access to shade either under the coops or inside the barn. The chicks are growing fast - my white splash is still pure white so can't wait to get her going - bit patience, patience. There' a way to go before breeding yet...
How lovely to have a Breda! You must get at least one or two more with her! I have one lonely Breda in my little backyard flock and she really should have a similar Breda friend -- they are such unique birds in appearance, personality, temperament. i've gone through 5 Breda in a couple years and have only one left -- a Cuckoo -- and am waiting in line for another Breda. We had 112 and 115 degree heatwave and she weathered it magnificently but I lost one of my Dominiques to heatstroke. So I can vouch that my Cuckoo Breda must be one of the hardier varieties of Breda -- or I've just been lucky after losing 3 other variety Breda hens to low resistance issues. I am looking forward to having another Breda when the breeder projects feel the birds have been developed enough to be a hardier breed. I just LOVE the Breda breed! Since I lost one of my lovely Dominique pullets I have an open vacancy for a Breda and will keep that slot open waiting for one (or two LOL)!
I'm so sorry to hear that. You must be crushed!
@AllWildAtHeart , @Sylvester017 , I think you are probably both talking about me. Good thing you didn't say anything bad! LOL
Hopefully when it cools down some I'll have some Breda to offer. They are laying really well right now but I really want to try to get them hardier before I hatch more. I do worry a lot about selling a bird that isn't going to stay healthy. I am switching out a couple of cockerels and hope that helps their stability as well. Of course it will take a while for the new breeding project to get off the ground but I hope it makes a huge difference.
I on a whim bought a dozen hatching eggs in an auction after reading about them I was so excited. This is my first year hatching and shipped eggs has been quite the learning curve. I ended up with a great group of 5 and have completely fallen in love with the Bredas they are by far my nicest birds and I am planing on working on growing a quality flock of them. I have a second round going in lock down today eeekkk!

This is my favorite chick WW (it will be wade wilson if a rooster or wonder woman if a hen lol) such a presence about this little guy! I need to get updated pictures! They are all thriving and looking amazing! I have been so happy with them.
AllWildatHeart is the only one of you on this thread who has seen my Bredas in person other than the ones I have shipped to you guys. ( I just wish they had all been healthier.) I think you can appreciate their quality when you see the group up close and personal.
I have talked before about One Wing, my special house chicken. (Breda)
I used to order dog food and One Wing's fancy feast catfood from Walmart so I wouldn't have to drive so far. But Walmart hiked up their on line sales price for dog food so I started ordering from Chewy. Each month I make a change or two to my autoship for what I need. This time I talked to a nice young man who asked me a lot of questions about my animals and things. I was so impressed with the company when I received this card and personal note. Even if he probably thought I was a crazy old bat for having a house chicken.

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