Breda Fowl thread

@AllWildAtHeart , @Sylvester017 , I think you are probably both talking about me. Good thing you didn't say anything bad! LOL
Hopefully when it cools down some I'll have some Breda to offer. They are laying really well right now but I really want to try to get them hardier before I hatch more. I do worry a lot about selling a bird that isn't going to stay healthy. I am switching out a couple of cockerels and hope that helps their stability as well. Of course it will take a while for the new breeding project to get off the ground but I hope it makes a huge difference.
Well Howdy there Wrangler! Lol!
Nope! Lol...nothing bad...:bow
The truth, the whole truth & nothing BUT the truth! That's the only way I roll-:frow
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AllWildatHeart is the only one of you on this thread who has seen my Bredas in person other than the ones I have shipped to you guys. ( I just wish they had all been healthier.) I think you can appreciate their quality when you see the group up close and personal.
I have talked before about One Wing, my special house chicken. (Breda)
I used to order dog food and One Wing's fancy feast catfood from Walmart so I wouldn't have to drive so far. But Walmart hiked up their on line sales price for dog food so I started ordering from Chewy. Each month I make a change or two to my autoship for what I need. This time I talked to a nice young man who asked me a lot of questions about my animals and things. I was so impressed with the company when I received this card and personal note. Even if he probably thought I was a crazy old bat for having a house chicken.
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Thank you AllWildAtHeart! I do love those guys. It's so hot right now if I hatched it would be mostly roosters. One thing I found over the years is that in very hot weather it seems to kill out the female genes.
I have often wondered if heat affects chicken sexes as it does with reptiles and turtles. Thanks for the tip, I will aim for cool weather hatching :)
Is there any such a thing as Blue Splash? Or Silver?

I'm sure chicken danz probably explained the Breda varieties to you? In research this is the info I gleaned regarding Breda color varieties:

or commonly refered to as Blue/Black/Splash variety -- this is the general Blue/Black/Splash variety that is bred in many breeds of chickens and the offspring hatch as an all Black, Blue, or Splash chick. There is a breeding formula for producing more Black, more Splash, or more Blue chicks in hatches but I won't go into that here. BBS hatches have a mix of chicks in these 3 color varieties.

Cuckoo variety -- this is the standard cuckoo pattern you will find in any cuckoo bird where the females will be darker patterned and the roosters will have lighter colored feathers.

My Cuckoo Breda hen (from RFR of CA who got her breeding stock originally from Dutch Connection) is inside the coop pen and my Blue Breda pullet from chicken danz is on the outside of the pen. Such sweet gentle temperaments on Breda -- these two Breda bonded instantly.

Black & White Mottled variety -- a gorgeous mottled Breda where the roosters have hackles that flow in black and white waterfall patterns -- do not confuse the Mottled with the Splash variety Breda -- Splash will be mostly white with black flecks of feathers throughout while Mottled Breda have a more even distribution of white to black feather ratio.

Blue & White Mottled variety -- a rare sport that can occur in a Mottled hatch where the black feather gene gets muted to a gray/blue -- Waltz's Ark claims to have hatched such Blue & White Mottled sports.

Pure White variety -- I know chicken danz had a pure white hen and white is probably a sport out of one of the other Breda varieties. I'm not a geneticist so can't explain how/why it happens except to say its a sport variety.

As for your question as to whether there is a Blue Splash? Splash is basically a mostly white bird with black flecks of feathers. If a Blue Splash ever occurs it would probably be because the black feather gene got muted to a gray/blue causing the usually black flecks of feathers to appear muted or bluish. That's how the blue gene was explained to me -- that it occurs from a muted black gene that comes out looking bluish. However, I haven't heard of a Blue Splash yet but then genetic mutations can unexpectedly turn up. Some breeders will call Blue varieties of chickens as "gray" or as "silver partridge" depending on which breed of chicken is discussed. In Silkies the ABA lists one of the colors of Silkies as "gray" yet Silkie breeders will refer to them as "silver" or "silver partridge" or "blue" Silkies -- all depends on what breeders have established as their particular "lingo" (language/description).

Anyone have a correction/addition to the Breda variety explanation?
I have read a bunch of this post over a few weeks, there is a lot lol, so forgive me if this is in here and I missed it.

Is there a list of breeders and where they live? I would love to add some molted and cuckoo. I currently have the blue black splash.

I am in Canada.

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