Breda Fowl thread

Downsizing my Breda fowl flock have tons of grown Breda fowl hens for sale and roosters let me know if anyone’s interested
Oh my
@Sylverster017 I am always happy to share what I have learned with others. I agree with you on all accounts with this breed. Once people see them they are hooked. I am going to have to get some more BBS pullets in the spring. :)
Sylvester always speaks highly of your knowledge :)
It's kind of been that way all over. I know in this part of the country winter came early and I was rushing trying to get all my pens winter ready. The Breda were laying like crazy last month but I was only hatching a few other rare breeds to build my own stock. I'm still over run with chicks from those. Now that I have a little more incubator room they've decided to take a rest and do some more molting.
Now I'm in a mad rush to get ready for Christmas. Never seems to end.
It's kind of been that way all over. I know in this part of the country winter came early and I was rushing trying to get all my pens winter ready. The Breda were laying like crazy last month but I was only hatching a few other rare breeds to build my own stock. I'm still over run with chicks from those. Now that I have a little more incubator room they've decided to take a rest and do some more molting.
Now I'm in a mad rush to get ready for Christmas. Never seems to end.
Winter came with a rush here too. I still haven't raked leaves for the coops...tropical 44F here today. Maybe I can get some work done on my unfinished coop - snow fell too early to finish!
Hopefully, winter will be relatively mild and short.. :fl
A whole month and no posting. Happy Holidays everyone. May your Breda grow strong and lay lots of eggs.

It's so funny you mentioned no posting on this thread! I've been busy PM'ing with private Breda breeders on the subject. Thx for waking us up for THIS thread! Some pics of my Cuckoo Breda:

SEPT - when she was molting and growing in new feathers like crazy!



Hey Sylvester!!

Hey, there! Good to hear from you!

One of my breda cockerals i hatched this spring

He's GORGEOUS! How's the Mottled hardiness? My Cuckoo hen is about 2-1/2 yrs old now and my longest lived Breda so far -- the only Breda I ever had long enough to actually go through molt LOL! Sadly, my farm friend said the Blue Breda cockerel we gave her over 2 yrs ago just dropped over dead suddenly. She rescues unwanted poultry - turkeys, ducks, geese, chickens, even rescued a horse. And her family loved our Breda boy -- he was an indoor/outdoor pet who would occasionally come in to sleep in their dog's bed. I've heard dialog so often from BBS owners that their Breda boys just suddenly drop dead at about two years old for no reason. I wonder how many others are having the same problem with BBS's?

Im looking for more hens. ( i hatched 9 chicks and 2 were female)

What a bummer! Are you going for more Mottleds? We love our Cuckoo girl and so far seems hardy. Hope she keeps it up -- she has beautiful type, a nice crest tassle, and a nice V shape to her no-comb nostrils and beautiful hocks and toe feathers until she starts breaking them off from scratching around the yard and dust-bathing! She's my momma's girl -- she doesn't want to eat and compete with others from the common feed but wants it out of my hand. She's so non-combative she wants absolutely no conflict of any kind with other hens. My Silkie doesn't like conflict either but if it's something she wants she's not afraid to push on in -- but not our Breda who waits for all the others to leave before she picks up the leftovers. The thing is, she runs off if another hen approaches or just walks by and she wouldn't get chased by them if she just stayed still - silly girl!
Im looking for any color, doesnt matter.
My blacks seem hardier. And bigger. The mottled ones are smaller and not as hardy.
Supposedly i heard since the gene pool is so small its hard to get them to live to 2 . i lost a mottled female to cocci , its been so wet here with the rain.

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