Breda Fowl thread

Here are teh first chicks from yesterday/todays hatch. There are 9 chicks all told.
Father is mottled, moms are 2x mottled, 1 black split and 1 blue.
Now that Newcastles is clear as of about two weeks ago, the weather's been too hot to order shipped birds! It's always SOMETHING, eh? With Covid still flaring in our State it's just as well I wait til next Spring to order. Staying at home all the time (I'm an at-risk senior) it's given me time to work on the front yard now that the backyard is pretty much finished for the hens.

Backyard last Spring with little Pomegranate seedling trees along the block wall:

Last year's Pomegranate seedlings are tall enough now to give the hens added shade this year and added bonus of Pomegranate fruit! I thought I'd have to wait 3 or 4 years for Pomegranate trees to grow but these guys are doing gang busters in our climate!

Time to lay out paver stones in the front yard now! Some are laid out in the far front but still huge stacks of pavers to finish along the front porch. With our State having drought water restrictions every year I figure why water a sun-scorched lawn?

Char with her silly triangle crest, cavernous nostrils, vulture hocks, and feathered legs/toes. She just started laying again a couple weeks ago after her usual Spring broody time. She was broody for 3 weeks and took about a month to get back to laying again -- 41/2 yrs old.
I've tried not to hatch much for a few months. It's so very hot here and has been. This year has been a total flop. Nothing has done well but ducks this year.
We're in a major drought as well.
Covid has caused so many problems. I just stay home most of the time and avoid as many people as I can.
Yep, being an at-risk senior myself I've become a home-body since mid-March and wearing my mask whenever I'm out driving doing errands -- my DH does the grocery and other shopping while I stay in the car. I've had to exclusively become an online shopper lately. Here's my latest online purchase to replace one of our destroyed canopies:

Santa Ana Winds destroyed this blue canopy -- hopefully the new white canopy won't get so thrashed since I buried all 4 legs into the ground to keep from parasailing!!!!

Since putting up the new white canopy the girls have been hanging out under it a lot: No more slant-leg canopies for our backyard -- they don't hold up very well in our windy episodes -- the straight-leg canopies weather much better especially when the legs get buried a half-foot to a foot deep in the soil.


Dug a canal for rainwater run-off in the chicken side of the yard and have a plank going over the deepest channel but it's not sturdy enough for the chickens or myself to actually use it....


So I'm having a low-curved custom walking bridge made for the channel -- the retired carpenter said this pictured bridge is flimsy and that he'll use thicker redwood slats to construct a bridge for me. It might cost more than an online purchase but it will be sturdier:

From rainy weather a couple weeks ago to heatwaves now -- we never have mild average or ordinary weather here!!!

Smiles to everyone!
Had to post some pics of Char -- she seems to love posing for pics -- how she figures out to stand still for my photos is a mystery to me since my other 3 breeds are nearly impossible to capture!

@boskelli1571 Have you more pics of your new baby chicker-doodles?!
Had to post some pics of Char -- she seems to love posing for pics -- how she figures out to stand still for my photos is a mystery to me since my other 3 breeds are nearly impossible to capture!
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@boskelli1571 Have you more pics of your new baby chicker-doodles?!
Looks like you are busy Syl! Looking good....
As it happens - yes!
Did I tell you that one of the Bredas decided to sit on eggs for a while? She got bored around day 8 and walked off the job. I found the eggs cool and very dirty but I put them in the incubator just in case.
2 little chicks hatched out of 10 eggs. 5 were duds and the other 3 I will 'autopsy' today :(
4 of the older chicks are flying out to Florida today, I hear it's nice and warm down there ;)
They are growing like weeds and will be ready for their outside coop soon.
Take care, Sue


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I was pooping. On the toilet. Like a normal person.
I need stuff to read. So I grab the nearest lame-ass stuff that was forced in my mailbox; which in my country is in your frontdoor next to your toilet. So that's easy to grab.

The free-noone-wants Breda-neighbourhood-sad-newspaper that they put in your mailbox anyway.. which is about boring stuff about Breda.. some dude started a hotdogstand yada yada yada snore.. HAD an article. THAT the Breda fowl club has stopped because there is no interest anymore, in Breda, for, Breda fowl. They tried for years. It is not hip with young people. They tried to get Breda fowl on the menu of fancy local 5 star restaurants.. since they are local and such.. an even THAT did not work. So they stopped after years pulling at a dead horse.

There are serious breeders in Breda; and apparently people in the U.S. that are the only ones keeping it alive. The serious breeders over here are not internet savvy; and can not speak English. They themselves are a dieing breed... (Breda fowl breeder under 75... they do not excist here). But there must be a way.. to.. get Breda fowl in Breda again. They are loved and cared and bred in the U.S. by a lot of lovely people. But it would be weird if you ever visit Breda as an Breda fowl lover; and there are none. Like visiting Italy and you can't find a pizza place because they are gone and do sushi now...

Is there a way that I could connect U.S. Breda breeders; with local Breda breeders from Breda? I can speak English. It's a bit sad that so many people over here with love and passion try to breed the local chickens; but people just don't care anymore.. but in U.S they do..

There must be a way

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