Breda Fowl thread

Drats...I am not sure if I can wait 12 weeks to sex Breda in the future. The anticipation in too much.

I was hoping that there was a color sexing method similar to the Wheaton Marans (even if it wouldn't work on the black and splash chicks).

How early have others been able to sex their Breda? How is this being done?
GaryDean26 .... we have not made plans to show any of our birds. We also raise Longhorns which take up a good deal of our days away from work.
Hello everyone. I'm so glad the Breda are back in the states. I was lucky enough to have acquired Two blue females, one Black female and one blue male here locally. I'd never seen one in person. They resemble a Crevecoeur, which I like. The snout is very unique like my La Fleche. Temperament seems to be great so far. They're still warming up to me but wow are they beautiful birds. What's the maximum weight out of this breed?

I keep feeling like I am running a mini-Skyline poultry operation. :)

I started with the Cottage Hill BC Marans from the Pam Mynard strain when she was dispersing her flock before she moved to Victoria, TX last summer. I think we first exchanged communications on BCM in January or February of this year after you received the Cottage Hill Preservation flocks.

I started breeding Cream Legbars this year and through that ended up getting a dozen rare breed eggs from Green Fire Farm in an attempt to get another 1-2 Cream Legbar pullets. The hatch didn't go as I expected. Of the 4 Cream Legbar egg only one hatched and it was a cockerel with a leg problems. I did get some Basque Hens and Blue Breda in the GFF assortment too though. I had seen the Basque Hens on your website when I was looking for information on the Cottage Hill Preservation Flocks. My wife's interests in chickens is not to the extent that mine is. She just wants a pretty laying flock with friendly birds, so when I saw the five Basque eggs in the assortment I convinced her that we should keep some of the Basques Hens to try out to see if she liked them. We ended up with all pullets. Not a since Basque cockerels, but I since then I had two Basque cockerels that someone ordered from you shipped from TN to Texas to put with the pullets. :)

We have two Blue Bredas that hatched out of that assortment too. I was concerned about them at first because GFF makes them out to be some type of Warrior Breed and even told me the Cockerels were "fiercely protective" when I inquired about their temperament. So far that doesn't seem to be true. They are very gentle and easy to handle. The are smaller than I expected. I read that they were primarily a meat bird in the US prior to the Civil War but that they were noted to be good layers so I expected a Dual Purpose bird more along the size of a the Basque and Marans. I now think they would be better classified as an Ornamental bird. :)

Funny that you are working on all the breeds I am. We will have to exchange notes at some point.
Not a problem at all. Feel free to contact me anytime. I adore my Basque and have never had such a unique breed like them. The Breda sparked my interest some time back but I never purchased any until I was lucky enough to have gotten some locally ( Great woman by the way ). I also was reading that about the Breda. I was hoping the Breda to be a little bigger considering they're 5 months of age, but that doesnt discourage me. Because they're very similar to my Blue Langshans excluding their snout and size. Maybe I could do a side project and tinker with size being put back into the Breda with Blue Langshan Blood. It's just a thought but my Blue Langshans are BIG birds that lay a ton of eggs. Maybe this could help that problem? All and all I'm digging the Breda so far. I just cant get over how much they look like my Blue Langshans. If your wife is looking for a beautiful egg laying flock, you might consider the Blue Langshan.
Its nice to see people echoing thoughts I have had about the temperment and size of my Breda. I am sad to only have the one. She is so small really and her egg is large comparatively. Has anyone else heard or noticed if they have issues with duck foot? My Breda is definitely duckfooted. I know some of the older lines can have that but had to ask you new Breda enthusiasts.

Just candled my eggs, at least a couple were doing a jig!
I hate waiting!

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