Breda Fowl thread

They are more difficult to tell apart because of the difference in their comb. The way I was able to tell them apart is that the boys have a much bigger waddle. If you are able to post pictures, we could probably help you out.
Here is a picture of mine. My Autofocus is acting up so it is a little blurry. they are about 7 months old. I started seeing the waddles appear about 3-4 months of age. For a while I thought I had 3 roos and 1 hen.

They are at the top- Pullet and then Left to right Cockerel, Pullet with her back to us, Cockerel. The cockerels have the big waddles, the darker pullet has no waddle and the top pullet has a very small one. And as usual they are hanging out just as high in the coop as possible.
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Here is a picture of mine. My Autofocus is acting up so it is a little blurry. they are about 7 months old. I started seeing the waddles appear about 3-4 months of age. For a while I thought I had 3 roos and 1 hen.

They are at the top- Pullet and then Left to right Cockerel, Pullet with her back to us, Cockerel. The cockerels have the big waddles, the darker pullet has no waddle and the top pullet has a very small one. And as usual they are hanging out just as high in the coop as possible.
Your pic makes me think I have pullets. None have the pronounced waddles that your males do, and mine are about the same age as yours. If it ever stops raining and dries out a little up here, I will try and get some pictures of my little crew. Then I will start to try and figure out where to find a roo
this is our splash breda rooster, bought from GF, imported from Endland

our splash hen

blue hens

black hen

...qball53.....Good looking are sure doing something, or everything, right. I moved my Bredas the other day. That was the first time I had actually 'handled' them in about 4 months...and man are they muscular. Way heavier and beefier than I ever expected...I thought they were kinda just a Novelty, but these things have alot of meat in them. Looking forward to hatch some in the spring.................Mike
...qball53.....Good looking are sure doing something, or everything, right. I moved my Bredas the other day. That was the first time I had actually 'handled' them in about 4 months...and man are they muscular. Way heavier and beefier than I ever expected...I thought they were kinda just a Novelty, but these things have alot of meat in them. Looking forward to hatch some in the spring.................Mike
Thanks for the compliment on the birds. Hummm, we like large fowl. We figure any breeding program is gonna produce excess birds and they may as well be large enough to make a meal. So, we have silver birchen marans, blue birchen marans, splash marans, wheaten marans, buff braggs mountains, blue laced red wayandottes. Our largest flock is the easter eggers and some olive eggers. We are working to make these birds as big as we can. Compared to these the breda seem pretty small and light weight. Then again we have a few exchequer leghorns which may be a little smaller and a couple pumpkin hulsey game birds which are of course a lot smaller. These birds stand very erect and appear tall so to us they seem a bit lighter than their appearance would suggest. ............ Mike
Your pic makes me think I have pullets. None have the pronounced waddles that your males do, and mine are about the same age as yours. If it ever stops raining and dries out a little up here, I will try and get some pictures of my little crew. Then I will start to try and figure out where to find a roo

Please don't take this the wrong way, but I just can't ignore it...
It's WATTLES not waddles; that's what ducks do.

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