Breed, Gender, and Age please.

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So I made a whipped cream cheese and butter spread for my banana nut bread, last Christmas. Well my nephew asked me what kind of butter it was. I told him it was Chicken butter. I even went to the extreme, and explained to him, how I had to wake up extra early to milk my chickens to make fresh chicken butter! 😂🤣😂🤣 Made up a pretty genius description of spreading the feathers out, and clipping them with hair clips, so the chicken milk wouldn't be wasted on the feathers! 🙃🙃🙃 do you know he actually started to believe chickens had nipples, and they needed milked like cattle! :lau :lau :lau:D I know, I'm a mean Auntie. I made sure to tell him later, chickens do not have nipples or need to be milked!😆😆😆 little chicken udders!! If you want a visual, just picture a female dogs belly, but hidden in chicken feather. I really don't want to think of a giant cow udder hanging between a hens legs.... 🤔
Cause this picture made me think of this quote. I had to dig to find this post! I know yins will enjoy!

My pullet in her 👙, Pigpen!
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